Bicycle Board Members,
Any comments that I should pass on to Bill Robinson on these 3 bridge
Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles
From: Robinson, Bill C []
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 9:46 AM
To: Adam Stevens; Adventure Pursuit; Ann Conageski; Belomar MPO; Ben Stout;
Betty Carver; Bill Foster; Bill Reger; Bob Plymale; Brieanne Salmons; Chris
Craig; Chriss Gress; Christy Bailey; Connie Lupardus; Craig Lefevre; Damien
Davis; David Layman; Dennis Strawn; Diane Ludwig; Don Spencer; Donna Printz;
Doug Wayt; Drew Smithberger; Ella Belling; Eric Sandeno; Frank Gmeindl; Gil
Willis; Grant Co. Development office; Harold Simmons; Huntington MPO; Jamie
Fields; Jen Giovannetti; Jim Hudson; Joelle Ennis; John Fekete; John R.
McGarrity; Jordan Cox; Justin Gaull; Keller, Perry J; Ken Dzaack; Kim
Broughton; Kristy Blower; Laird Knight; Lewis, Ray C; Logan Mountain Bike
Association, Inc.; Marc Glass; Mark Felton; Matt Marcus; Matt Sherald; Mike
Gaspar; Mike Whitt; Morgantown MPO; Norm Bailey; Patricia Clay; Peggy Pings;
Peggy Pings; Rebecca MacLeod; Region Eight PDC; Region Four PDC; Region I
PDC; Region II PDC; Region Seven PDC; Regiona VI Planning Council; Richard
Warner; Rob Pennington; Roger Lilly ; Ron Enders; Sharon Cruikshank; Stephen
Graber; Susie Salisbury; Tim Meeks; West Virginia Mountain Bike Assoc.; WWW
Cc: Boggs, Steve D; Thornton, William S
Subject: WVDOH Road projects
Everyone -
The following projects are upcoming WVDOH road work - please examine and let
me know of any specific bicycle/pedestrian activities that you are aware of
that would affect these projects:
Marion Co.
Basnettville Bridge
Proposed bridge carries WV218 over Paw Paw Creek and is located 0.03 miles
south of the intersection of WV 218 with marion Co. CR17. The proposed
bridge is 100' in length, two 11' lanes, with no sidewalk and 2-3'
shoulders. To provide accessibility and better bicycle/pedestrian
accommodation, it is being discussed that the shoulders be expanded to 4'.
McDowell Co.
Bartley Branch Road Bridge
Little or no shoulders on road, no accommodation is being recommended.
Taylor Co.
Bridge Street Bridge
Location: carries Taylor County Route 9 over Three Fork Creek, CSX railroad
and Front Street, approximately 0.02 miles east of the intersection of
US119-CR 9. The proposed replacement bridge is approximately 450' in length
and will have two 11' lanes with two 5' shoulders and a 5' sidewalk.
Please return any comments to me as quickly as you can to facilitate the
design schedule.
William C. Robinson
State Trail Coordinator
Progam Manager, Recreational Trails Program
WVDOH Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator
Chairman, West Virginia Recreational Trails Advisory Board
West Virginia Department of Transportation
Division of Highways
Program Planning and Administration Division
1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East
Building 5, Room 863
Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430
(304)558-9615 Fax - (304)558-3783
"The life of the artist is, in relation to his work, stern and lonely. He
has labored hard,
often amid depravation, to perfect his skill. He has turned aside from quick
success in
order to strip his vision of everything secondary or cheapening. His working
life is
marked by intense application and intense discipline." - John F. Kennedy,