Bicycle Board Members,
The second attachment is Bill Austin's minutes of our meeting with WVDOH on
the Mon Blvd bike lane and Share the Road signs.
Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles
From: Bill Austin []
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 9:28 AM
To: 'Warner, Richard L'; 'Lewis, Ray C'; 'Terry Hough'; tim.s.kirk(a);
'Damien Davis'; 'Shoukry, Fouad N'; 'Frank Gmeindl';
matthew.h.skiles(a); 'Chris Fletcher'; 'Robinson, Bill C'
Cc: 'Hugh Kierig'; dulaneyoil(a)
Subject: Monongahela Boulevard Bike Lane Meeting Memorandum
Thank you for attending the Monongahela Boulevard Bike Lane meeting on
Tuesday. Please find attached a memorandum documenting the discussions. I am
also attaching for your information a copy of the letter sent by the City
concerning this matter. Please let me know of any corrections, additions or
subtractions you may have to this memorandum.
Bill Austin, AICP
Executive Director
Morgantown Monongalia MPO
180 Hart Field Road
Morgantown, WVA 26508
304-692-7225 Mobile