Congratulations to Frank and everyone who worked hard on this. That
parking issue is not going to be easy. The out of town fans will
politic hard for that parking.
Paul Becker, ScD.
Safety and Health Extension
Extension Service
West Virginia University
>>> "Frank Gmeindl" 03/09/10 8:16 PM >>>
Bicycle Board Members,
Attached is a letter that Damien Davis, Assistant City Engineersent to
WVDOT/H that summarizes our response to their points on the Mon lane. At a meeting today with 5 members of the WVDOT/H, they
agreedwith our recommendations. There is however, one remaining
obstacle. They will not give the City the permission to proceed until
the City and WVUcan work out a solution to the motor vehicle parking
that occurs on theshoulder during events at the Coliseum. The City has
an action item to workwith the University to develop a solution. A time
table is stillundefined.
My overall assessment is that the City and WVDOT/H are much
morecooperative with us now.
Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers ofvehicles
From: Damien Davis[]
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 3:53 PM
To: Bill.C.Robinson(a)
Cc: Perry.J.Keller(a); richard.l.warner(a); Bill Austin;
TerryHough; Jim.E.Hudson(a); Ray.C.Lewis(a); Frank Gmeindl
Subject: Monongahela Blvd Bicycle Lane
DearMr. Robinson,
Attachedis the City*s response to several emails we have received with
respect tothe proposed bicycle facility for Monongahela Blvd. I am
sending this out aheadof tomorrows meeting so that we can discuss it
then. Again, Thank you for yourtime and consideration.
J.Damien Davis, EIT, CFM, Assistant City Engineer
Cityof Morgantown
PublicWorks Department - Engineering Division
389Spruce Street
Morgantown,WV 26505
J.Damien Davis, EIT, CFM, Assistant City Engineer
Cityof Morgantown
PublicWorks Department - Engineering Division
389 Spruce Street
Morgantown, WV 26505
Bicycle Board Members,
Attached is a letter that Damien Davis, Assistant City Engineer sent to
WVDOT/H that summarizes our response to their points on the Mon Blvd. bike
lane. At a meeting today with 5 members of the WVDOT/H, they agreed with
our recommendations. There is however, one remaining obstacle. They will
not give the City the permission to proceed until the City and WVU can work
out a solution to the motor vehicle parking that occurs on the shoulder
during events at the Coliseum. The City has an action item to work with the
University to develop a solution. A time table is still undefined.
My overall assessment is that the City and WVDOT/H are much more cooperative
with us now.
Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles
From: Damien Davis []
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 3:53 PM
To: Bill.C.Robinson(a)
Cc: Perry.J.Keller(a); richard.l.warner(a); Bill Austin; Terry
Hough; Jim.E.Hudson(a); Ray.C.Lewis(a); Frank Gmeindl
Subject: Monongahela Blvd Bicycle Lane
Dear Mr. Robinson,
Attached is the City's response to several emails we have received with
respect to the proposed bicycle facility for Monongahela Blvd. I am sending
this out ahead of tomorrows meeting so that we can discuss it then. Again,
Thank you for your time and consideration.
J. Damien Davis, EIT, CFM, Assistant City Engineer
City of Morgantown
Public Works Department - Engineering Division
389 Spruce Street
Morgantown, WV 26505
Office: 304.284.7398
Fax: 304.284.7409
J. Damien Davis, EIT, CFM, Assistant City Engineer
City of Morgantown
Public Works Department - Engineering Division
389 Spruce Street
Morgantown, WV 26505
Office: 304.284.7398
Fax: 304.284.7409
Good morning,
I'm passing this on with the suggestion that anyone involved in running a club attend. I have friends in Milwaukee and can probably help you arrange a homestay, possibly with the owner of the largest bike shop in the region.
Club News
League of American Bicyclists
March 8, 2010
Club Leadership Training
Milwaukee, WI
April 9-11, 2010
Are you the new president of your club and not quite sure what you've gotten yourself
into? Just forming a club for the first time? Or perhaps you're a veteran club
leader who needs some fresh ideas...
Whatever your background, we think that the Club Leadership Training […]
in Milwaukee, WI is the perfect way to brush up your club management skills, as
well as hear some "best practices" from around the country.Topics of discussion
include: Leader transitions, budgeting, marketing, managing rides and volunteers,
membership, and last but not least, club insurance!
Space is limited, so don't wait!
Register now […]
to reserve your spot.
Registration cost: $100
If you're the second person from the same club, get $25 off!)
The event will be held in conjunction with the Wheel & Sprocket Bike Expo […]!
Don't miss this opportunity to network and learn from peers - and then pick up some
great bike merchandise!
Club of the Year Awards
Congratulations to our 2009 Clubs of the Year, as determined by the League Board
and staff. If you think your club deserves to be on this list next year, contact
your regional board member this fall or email Bikeleague(a)
Region 1: Saratoga Cycling Club, NY.
Region 2: White Clay Bicycle Club
Region 3: Bluegrass Bicycle Club
Region 4: Elmhurst Bicycle Club
Region 5: New Mexico Touring Society &
Phoenix Metro Bike Club
Region 6: Cascade Bicycle Club
Club Newsletter of the Year
Congratulations to the Newsletter of the Year winner, the Westerville Bicycle Club
from Westerville, Ohio! Their newsletter, the Pedal Pusher, edited by Kathy Martin,
won the highest marks for original and creative content, as well as design and aesthetics.
League President, Andy Clarke, will be visiting Westerville Bicycle Club on March
17 to help them celebrate at their monthly meeting.
Our two runners-up gave Westerville tough competition: the Kansas City Bicycle
Club […]
Newsletter and the Williamsburg Area Cyclists' […]
Flying Wheel. Thanks for all your hard work and thanks for submitting your newsletters
to the competition!
Brought to you
Quick Links...
Club Leadership Training
Club of the Year
Club Newsletter of the Year
Sign of up for the League's weekly E-Newsletter […]
Club Corner
Want to Become a League Club Member?
Become a Member […]
Has Your Club Membership Expired?
Renew Here […]
Check out the Benefits […]
of League Club
Miss the last issue
of the
Cue Sheet, the League's Club Newsletter?
Read the Cue Sheet […]
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Privacy Policy:
Email Marketing by
Constant Contact(R)
League of American Bicyclists | 1612 K Street NW | Suite 800 | Washington | DC | 20006
Positive Spin
Morgantown, WV
ph 304-276-0213
Nick Hein LCI# 1705
Director, Positive Spin
2567 Univ Ave Ste 6000L
Morgantown, WV
ph 304-685-8954
Good morning,
I'm passing this on with the suggestion that anyone involved in running a club attend. I have friends in Milwaukee and can probably help you arrange a homestay, possibly with the owner of the largest bike shop in the region.
Club News
League of American Bicyclists
March 8, 2010
Club Leadership Training
Milwaukee, WI
April 9-11, 2010
Are you the new president of your club and not quite sure what you've gotten yourself
into? Just forming a club for the first time? Or perhaps you're a veteran club
leader who needs some fresh ideas...
Whatever your background, we think that the Club Leadership Training […]
in Milwaukee, WI is the perfect way to brush up your club management skills, as
well as hear some "best practices" from around the country.Topics of discussion
include: Leader transitions, budgeting, marketing, managing rides and volunteers,
membership, and last but not least, club insurance!
Space is limited, so don't wait!
Register now […]
to reserve your spot.
Registration cost: $100
If you're the second person from the same club, get $25 off!)
The event will be held in conjunction with the Wheel & Sprocket Bike Expo […]!
Don't miss this opportunity to network and learn from peers - and then pick up some
great bike merchandise!
Club of the Year Awards
Congratulations to our 2009 Clubs of the Year, as determined by the League Board
and staff. If you think your club deserves to be on this list next year, contact
your regional board member this fall or email Bikeleague(a)
Region 1: Saratoga Cycling Club, NY.
Region 2: White Clay Bicycle Club
Region 3: Bluegrass Bicycle Club
Region 4: Elmhurst Bicycle Club
Region 5: New Mexico Touring Society &
Phoenix Metro Bike Club
Region 6: Cascade Bicycle Club
Club Newsletter of the Year
Congratulations to the Newsletter of the Year winner, the Westerville Bicycle Club
from Westerville, Ohio! Their newsletter, the Pedal Pusher, edited by Kathy Martin,
won the highest marks for original and creative content, as well as design and aesthetics.
League President, Andy Clarke, will be visiting Westerville Bicycle Club on March
17 to help them celebrate at their monthly meeting.
Our two runners-up gave Westerville tough competition: the Kansas City Bicycle
Club […]
Newsletter and the Williamsburg Area Cyclists' […]
Flying Wheel. Thanks for all your hard work and thanks for submitting your newsletters
to the competition!
Brought to you
Quick Links...
Club Leadership Training
Club of the Year
Club Newsletter of the Year
Sign of up for the League's weekly E-Newsletter […]
Club Corner
Want to Become a League Club Member?
Become a Member […]
Has Your Club Membership Expired?
Renew Here […]
Check out the Benefits […]
of League Club
Miss the last issue
of the
Cue Sheet, the League's Club Newsletter?
Read the Cue Sheet […]
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Privacy Policy:
Email Marketing by
Constant Contact(R)
League of American Bicyclists | 1612 K Street NW | Suite 800 | Washington | DC | 20006
Positive Spin
Morgantown, WV
ph 304-276-0213
Nick Hein LCI# 1705
Director, Positive Spin
2567 Univ Ave Ste 6000L
Morgantown, WV
ph 304-685-8954
Much as I'd like to answer your questions, you're asking me to detour from my task. As cycling citizens we all owe it to ourselves to read these bills and write to our lawmakers with our opinions. After that, if you've got the will and time to help me make the case for them please call me about helping draft the one-page support papers. Lawmakers listen to their constituents, especially when they take the trouble to show up at the office. If the bill does have anything you don't like, you can express that too and advocate for ammendment.
Here's more info on the ACT act:……
The other things you should be able to look up. After you do I'd encourage you to write to your lawmakers (Rockefeller, Byrd and Mollohan) with you opinion on which way they should vote.
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Frank Gmeindl" <frank.gmeindl(a)>
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2010 10:59:27 -0500
Looks like you've crossed over into the dark "bike/ped" side. Please don't
promote any legislation that doesn't support our right to the road, i.e.
legislation that leads the public to expect us to ride on bike paths, bike
lanes, shoulders, etc. As far as I'm concerned, most streets are already
complete. Most cyclists just don't know how to ride on them. Where they're
too narrow or too fast, widen them. Is that in any of those bills? The
routes to school would be safe if students were properly trained to ride
them and if laws were enforced. Are those points in any of those bills?
I've never heard of the active community transportation act but what rewards
does it give people moving under their own power? What costs does it put on
those that use motor vehicles and jeopardize human powered movement?
Good luck in the snake pit.
Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles
> -----Original Message-----
> From: bikeboard-bounces(a) []
> On Behalf Of director
> Sent: Friday, March 05, 2010 8:57 AM
> To: bikeboard(a)
> Subject: [Bikeboard] Asking for Legislative Support at next week's Bike
> Summit
> Good morning,
> I need your help.
> As Morgantown's unofficial (but only) representative at the League of
> American Bicyclists Summit next week in DC I'm drafting a couple of
> one-page requests to leave with lawmakers when we visit Capitol Hill on
> lobbying day. (btw - Don't worry, I won't be going in alone. 3 other
> League members will be in our lobbying party from Charleston,
> Martinsburg and Parkersburg. They all have better sense and restraint
> than me, but not as much enthusiasm) If any of you have ever
> complained about me acting singly and capriciously or overstepping my
> (non-existent) authority, here's your chance to reign me in.
> Help me draft the requests based on how current legislation will affect
> Morgantown - pictures, maps, stories, etc. The following bills are
> currently up for consideration and I'm drafting a one-page document on
> each one to leave behind in the office of each legislative aid we meet
> with.
> "Complete Streets" Act - S. 584/HR 1443
> "Safe Routes to Schools" Act S. 1156/HR 4021
> "Active Community Transportation Act of 2010" H.R. 4722
> In addition, I have these general objectives to promote if there's time
> to complete requests for them:
> Support/Introduce legislation that increases Non-Motorized Funding NMF
> to a level comparable to its mode-share in WV (currently we're the
> worst). Bring NMF from its current 0.2% value to 8% (bike/ped
> modeshare) or 6% (bike/ped fatality share).
> Support/Introduce legislation that makes bike/ped safety education a
> requirement in schools (rider education at the grade school level,
> bike/ped awareness in drivers' education) This will have impact beyond
> training the current generation of walkers/bikers - it will educate the
> next generation of voters, legislators, planners and traffic engineers.
> I'll be working on this over the weekend and until I leave Tuesday
> morning. Thank you for any support you can offer.
> Nick
> --
> Nick Hein LCI# 1705
> Director, Positive Spin
> 2567 Univ Ave Ste 6000L
> Morgantown, WV
> ph 304-685-8954
> --
> _______________________________________________
> Bikeboard mailing list
> Bikeboard(a)
Nick Hein LCI# 1705
Director, Positive Spin
2567 Univ Ave Ste 6000L
Morgantown, WV
ph 304-685-8954
Good morning,
Next week I'll be at the League's 10th annual National Bike Summit along with about 700 advocates from all over the country (and a few from out of the country). This sounds like a lot of people, but when it comes to making national policy change it's just a start. They'd like your help. One of the days - March 11 - will be dedicated to lobbying on Capitol Hill for biker-friendly legislation. Those of us (4) from West Virginia will be visiting our senators and congressmen personally (usually their aides) to do this. The Alliance for Biking and Walking has set up a way that you can help, as described below. Of particular importance is the "Active Community Transportation" bill just introduced by congressman Blumenauer that would allow bike/ped projects to be funded over multiple years, like all other successful projects. Please follow the directions in the message below to contact your lawmakers and let them know how you feel about the issues before them (rants about issues that don't have pending legislation should be saved for another time). Please pass this on to everyone you know who feels passionately about supporting biking and walking infrastructure as well (including friends, city govt, businesses, etc).
Thank you,
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Alliance for Biking & Walking <jeremy(a)>
Reply-To: jeremy(a)
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 10:36:32 -0500 (EST)
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ACT Act Introduced!
Virtual Lobby Day March 11
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Dear Nick,
Representative Earl Blumenauer just introduced the Active Community Transportation
Act, H.R.4722. This groundbreaking bill creates a competitive grant program with
$2 Billion to help communities build bicycling and walking networks. For the first
time, communities would be able to compete for multi-year funding to build active
transportation systems, just as they do for transit and road infrastructure.
Though many of you will be coming to DC next week for the National Bike Summit,
this is a great opportunity for other leaders and members of your organization not
traveling to DC to participate in an important way. Working with our America Bikes
partners, we encourage your organization to participate in a Virtual Lobby Day next
"Too often we take for granted the value of being able to bike and walk to work,"
said Blumenauer. "It's unfortunate that many communities don't have the infrastructure
in place to make active and healthy forms of transportation more accessible. The
ACT transportation grants will make it easier for people to get out of their vehicles
and onto sidewalks or bikes, boosting both heart rates and community vitality."
We thank Representative Blumenauer and the other original sponsors - Russ Carnahan
(D-MO), Michael Capuano (D-MA), Steve Cohen (D-TN), Bob Filner (D-CA), Dan Lipinski
(D-IL) and Jim Moran (D-VA) - for championing bicycling and walking.
Given the timing of the bill's release, we have a unique opportunity to conduct
a Virtual Lobby Day and present a strong and unified voice on Capitol Hill, Thursday,
March 11th. In conjunction with the National Bike Summit we ask that you call your
representative next Thursday at the same time that over 700 Summit participants
will have in-person meetings in congressional offices.
On Wednesday March 10th we'll send a second alert with a link to the League of American
Bicyclists on-line action center where people can easily contact their representatives.
We encourage you to use the talking points below to send your own alert encouraging
your members to participate.
Please call your representatives on March 11th to ask them to co-sponsor H.R.4722:
"The Active Community Transportation Act."
Tell Them:
* Bicycling and walking are part of the solution. Half of all trips in the United
States are three miles or less, yet the majority of these short trips are made by
car. Shifting more of these short trips to biking and walking would not only reduce
congestion, air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and our dependence on oil,
but will also improve physical activity, safety, and livability.
* Investing in bicycling and walking infrastructure works. Commuting by bicycle
has increased 43 percent since 2000 - and by 69 percent in designated Bicycle Friendly
Communities that have invested in infrastructure improvements.
* Please co-sponsor the Active Community Transportation Act (H.R.4722).
Jeremy Grandstaff
Member Services Director
Alliance for Biking & Walking
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Privacy Policy:
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Alliance for Biking & Walking | PO Box 65150 | Washington | DC | 20035
Nick Hein LCI# 1705
Director, Positive Spin
2567 Univ Ave Ste 6000L
Morgantown, WV
ph 304-685-8954
Good morning,
Not sure how I missed this when it came up last Fall, but thought some of you might be interested in it too.…
Est. price is $8500 Anyone heard any reviews?
Nick Hein LCI# 1705
Director, Positive Spin
2567 Univ Ave Ste 6000L
Morgantown, WV
ph 304-685-8954
Bicycle Board Members,
Please select from the following list, articles that you would like to
author for the Dominion Post and the blog at
1. About Morgantown Municipal Bicycle Board
2. City Receives Bicycling Educational Grant
3. Same Roads, Same Rights, Same rules
4. Riding a Bike in Traffic
5. Driving near Bicyclists
6. Bikes and Pedestrians
7. Biking for Children
8. Alternative approaches: Bike Lanes, Road Share
9. Civility on the Road
10. Green biking
11. Healthy Biking
12. Morgantown Bike Route
13. Biking in Other Cities
14. Biking around the world
15. Traffic Skills 101
16. Bike Trips around Morgantown
17. Positive Spin
18. Bike Groups in Morgantown (????)
19. Biking for Parents
20. ABC Quick Check
Starting in a few weeks, we will have regular, frequent, periodical articles
published and we need Bicycle Board authors for them. If you don't like any
of these, suggest a topic that you'd like to write about. Keep in mind that
the goal is to improve behaviors and attitudes toward bicycling of everyone,
including bicyclists, motorists and pedestrians in Morgantown.
We will discuss these at tomorrow night's Bicycle Board meeting.
Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles
Bicycle Board Members,
Please find attached a recommended agenda for this Thursday's (3/4) Bicycle
Board meeting. Also attached are the minutes of our last meeting.
At the meeting, we'll discuss National Bike Month. Please review this link:
df before the meeting. It provides a plan that includes ideas for things we
can do for Bike Month.
Please reply if you would like any changes or additions to the agenda.
Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles