Bicycle Board Members,
Here's a case where we're making progress before we even got a chance to formally present our recommendation to the Traffic Commission.
You may recall that I sent you for your review the recommendation to correct the in-line grates. Well, this month's Traffic Commission meeting didn't happen and I didn't get a chance to present the recommendation. I don't know how Terry Hough got it but apparently, she thinks it's important enough to take action before the Traffic Commission even sees it. I only wish it had something to do with roadways rather than shoulders.
Frank Gmeindl
Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Terry Hough" <though(a)>
> Date: August 10, 2010 4:52:14 PM EDT
> To: "Scott Copen " <scopen(a)>, "Radabaugh, Bryan L" <Bryan.L.Radabaugh(a)>
> Cc: "Frank Gmeindl " <frank.gmeindl(a)>, "Dan Boroff" <dboroff(a)>, "Damien Davis" <ddavis(a)>
> Subject: FW: Letter to TC
> Gentlemen,
> Attached is a proposed letter to the Morgantown Traffic Commission
> regarding grates that exist on DOH routes and other locations. The
> complaint was first sent to the City of Morgantown. As the City has no
> control of either the storm drainage or work within DOH rights-of-way,
> this was passed on to both MUB and DOH for your consideration. The
> Traffic Commission, being a committee of the City of Morgantown, also
> has no jurisdiction over this issue.
> You will notice from the emails, that there has been no real response to
> the issue. Everyone recognizes the fact that we are all very busy with
> respect to our work load. I would like to personally request that some
> type of response be forwarded regarding this issue. I would greatly
> appreciate it!!!
> Thanks again for all of your help!!!
> Terry
> Terry L. Hough P.E., P.S, CFM
> Public Works Director / City Engineer
> 389 Spruce Street
> Morgantown, WV 26505
> 304-284-7412
> though(a)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Barbara Shellito
> Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 3:28 PM
> To: Damien Davis; Terry Hough
> Subject: FW: Letter to TC
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frank Gmeindl []
> Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 12:46 PM
> To: Barbara Shellito
> Subject: Letter to TC
> Barbara,
> I would like to present the attached memo to the TC at tomorrow's
> meeting. Could you please make sufficient copies for all members?
> Frank