FYI. Action, if any, due before this Friday.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Bill Austin" <baustin(a)>
> Date: July 27, 2011 9:07:06 PM EDT
> To: <bill(a)>, "'David Bruffy'" <Bruffy(a)>, <eldonc(a)>, <gvmayor(a)>, <jambie1(a)>, <jlgoodwi(a)>, "'Joe Fisher'" <Joe.Fisher(a)>, "'Keller, Perry J'" <Perry.J.Keller(a)>, "Mike Kelly" <dulaneyoil(a)>, <Moncom(a)>, <statler4board(a)>, <mayordave(a)>
> Cc: "'Hugh Kierig'" <Hugh.Kierig(a)>, "'D. Williams'" <dwilliams(a)>, <rwsnyder301(a)>, "'Butch Renner'", <cfletcher(a)>, "Damien Davis" <ddavis(a)>, "'David Bruffy'" <Bruffy(a)>, "Hugh Kierig" <Hugh.Kierig(a)>, "Jim & Dottie Gaston" <jegdeg(a)>, "'Keller, Perry J'" <Perry.J.Keller(a)>, "Radabaugh, Bryan L" <Bryan.L.Radabaugh(a)>, "Shoukry, Fouad N" <Fouad.N.Shoukry(a)>, "Terry Hough" <though(a)>, "Tim Ball" <tball(a)>, "Warner, Richard L" <Richard.L.Warner(a)>, <sawdustinc(a)>, "'Maria Smith'" <MariaSmith(a)>, "'Roy Nutter'" <Roy.Nutter(a)>, "'John E. Sneckenberger'" <jsnecken(a)>, "Jim & Dottie Gaston" <jegdeg(a)>, "'Christiaan Abildso'" <cabildso(a)>, "'Frank Gmeindl'" <frank.gmeindl(a)>
> Subject: Draft ADA Priority List
> MPO Committee Members,
> As you may or may not be aware we were contacted by DOH approximately two weeks ago and asked to prepare a list of projects that would address American with Disabilities Acts issues within the area. We forwarded a request to all of the MPO’s member jurisdictions and agencies for projects that would address these concerns. We need to submit the list preferably prioritized to DOH for their analyses on Friday. We received responses from two of our member organizations the City of Morgantown and Mountain Line. The responses indicated that the MPO should look at many corridors for sidewalk improvements as part of the development of our long range plan.
> However, it is my estimation that the funding that will be available from DOH for these projects will be relatively limited and that it should be focused on addressing pressing issues. For this reason I am recommending that the MPO recommend no more than five projects. The list below is three projects. Please feel free to suggest projects in addition to those listed below. A summary of the recommended projects provided by the responding agencies is attached for your review. Please note that the highlighted projects in the list were the priority projects of the recommending agency.
> In reviewing the project proposed by the responding agencies it is staff’s recommendation that at a minimum the following list be provided to DOH on Friday.
> 1) Intersection of Spruce and Willey Street-Curb cut correction, removal of obstructions, and other improvements. Recommended by Morgantown Pedestrian Board and Northern WV Center for Independent Living
> 2) 119 (Grafton Road) at Scott’s Road-Installation of landing area, pedestrian signal. Recommended by Mountain Line-One known pedestrian fatality at this location
> 3) Provide Sidewalk and crossing and ramp to Caperton Trail on Earl Core Road at Powell Avenue. In driving the WV 7 corridor it could be argued that the stretch between I-68 and the Hogback turn could all use sidewalk and that the sidewalk from the Hogback to the Walnut Street Bridge needs to be upgraded. In fact that is the recommendation of both Mountain Line and the City of Morgantown. While we concur the entire corridor needs sidewalk we are recommending the proposed project because it would allow the Caperton trail to fill the missing link between the Brookhaven residential area and the commercial area along Earl Core Road. Recommended by Mountain Line and Morgantown Pedestrian Board.
> It should be noted that staff concurs that there should be sidewalk/transit facility accommodations along 19 in Westover. However, right of way limitations as well as an incomplete knowledge of pedestrian/transit use along the corridor does not permit the selection of one single site above the several sites recommended.
> Please let me know of any concerns with submitting this list to DOH by 3 PM on Friday. If there are no concerns this list will be submitted then.
> Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
> Respectfully,
> Bill Austin, AICP
> Executive Director
> Morgantown Monongalia MPO
> 82 Hart Field Road Ste. 105
> Morgantown, WVA 26505
> 304-291-9571
> 304-692-7225 Mobile
> "The key to change is to let go of fear." Roseanne Cash
> "Never forget only dead fish swim with the stream" Malcolm Muggeridge