Begin forwarded message:
> From: Damien Davis <ddavis(a)>
> Date: January 12, 2012 10:48:33 AM EST
> To: mmccabe(a), wes(a), Jeff Mikorski <jmikorski(a)>, j4im3s(a), "mckain, david" <david.mckain(a)>, "Henry, Adam" <Adam.Henry(a)>, christophergluck(a), psteel(a), "Gmeindl, Frank" <frank.gmeindl(a)>, Andrea Soccorsi <Andrea.Soccorsi(a)>, Barbara Shellito <bshellito(a)>, Christiaan Abildso <Christiaan.Abildso(a)>, Ken Martis <kmartis(a)>, Margaret Roberts <Margaretormike(a)>, Mike Lantz <mlantz(a)>, Roy Nutter <rnutter(a)>, Terry Hough <though(a)>, wwyant(a)
> Cc: Christopher Fletcher <cfletcher(a)>
> Subject: Crossroads - It's Time to Chart our Future
> Reply-To: ddavis(a)
> Traffic Commission Members:
> The City of Morgantown is in the process of performing an update of the Comprehensive Plan in coordination with Star City’s preparation of a Comprehensive Plan and the MPO’s Long-Range Transportation Plan update. This joint planning project is called“Crossroads”.
> In order to ensure that our region is working with the same vision, "Crossroads" is developing a “Regional Vision” that will include a number of community participation opportunities. Several focused stakeholder group interviews with community leaders are being scheduled to obtain key perspectives including business, development, education, neighborhoods, real estate, etc.
> Additionally, two public "Crossroads Idea Gathering Meetings" are scheduled for Wednesday, January 25 at South Middle School and Thursday, January 26 at North Elementary. Both meetings begin at 7:00 PM. These public meetings will provide all interested parties an opportunity to participate in small group facilitated discussions concerning our region's "Strong Places, Weak Places".
> I have attached a flyer announcing the public "Crossroads Idea Gathering Meetings" and have two requests of our Traffic Commission members:
> 1) Please make every effort to attend one of these public "Crossroads Idea Gather Meetings".
> 2) Please circulate the attached flyer widely to friends, neighbors, and associates.
> A public awareness campaign will be launched in the coming days, but the most successful means of getting folks to attend is word-of-mouth and emails.
> Thank you in advance for your assistance.
> Respectfully,
> Christopher M. Fletcher, AICP
> Director of Development Services
> 389 Spruce Street
> Morgantown, WV 26505
> (o) 304-284-7413
> (f) 304-284-7534
> (c) 304-906-7843
> cfletcher(a)