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From: "Parsons, Chet" <chet.parsons(a)>
Date: Sep 28, 2012 3:26 PM
Subject: FW: DOH Grant Application Website
To: "chetparsons(a)" <chetparsons(a)>
* *
* *
*Chet Parsons, AICP*
URS Corporation
*Senior Planner*
304.212.5752 Office
304.276.4165 Mobile
3592 Collins Ferry Road
Suite 160
Morgantown, WV 26505
*From:* Banks, Rhonda C []
*Sent:* Friday, September 28, 2012 3:17 PM
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*Subject:* DOH Grant Application Website
The West Virginia Division of Highways (WVDOH) is pleased to announce the
opening of its electronic application system for the submission of FY2013
grant applications, a two-phase process consisting first of an
Intent-to-Apply and, upon WVDOH acceptance of the Intent-to-Apply, a more
detailed Application package. At this time you will only be able to
complete and submit your Intent-to-Apply. The Application package is
still under development, but will become available later in the fall as
organizations complete and submit their Intent-to-Apply forms and receive
authorization to complete and submit an Application package.
As some of you may be aware, a new transportation bill (Moving Ahead for
Progress in the 21st Century, or MAP-21) was enacted this summer resulted
in deep changes to the WVDOH’s non-traditional grant programs. While WVDOH
staff has read and attempted to interpret MAP-21, guidance has not yet been
distributed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). This has
required the WVDOH to take a very conservative approach to the new bill;
please be aware that future state and federal interpretations of MAP-21 may
require revisions be made to WVDOH policies and procedures that are
presently reflected in the Intent-to-Apply form.
The important changes that an organization needs to be aware of before
beginning the application process are:
The Safe Routes to Schools Program (SRTS), which was a 100% federal program
requiring no local funds, has been eliminated. A new eligible category
under the Transportation Alternatives Program (more on that later) has
replaced the SRTS program. Be aware that this now means, if you apply
under the Transportation Alternative category similar to the former SRTS
Program, a grant award must be matched at an 80/20 ratio, requiring a local
The Transportation Enhancement Program (TE) has been replaced
by the Transportation Alternative (TA) Program. TE-eligible categories
have changed as well. “Funding for Bicycle and Pedestrian Education”,
“Acquisition of Scenic or Historic sites” and “Transportation Museums” are
no longer eligible categories. The MAP-21 TA eligible categories include:
‘‘(A) Construction, planning, and design of on-road and off-road trail
facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists, and other non-motorized forms of
transportation, including sidewalks, bicycle infrastructure, pedestrian and
bicycle signals, traffic calming techniques, lighting and other
safety-related infrastructure, and transportation projects to achieve
compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
‘‘(B) Construction, planning, and design of infrastructure-related projects
and systems that will provide safe routes for non-drivers, including
children, older adults, and individuals with disabilities to access daily
‘‘(C) Conversion and use of abandoned railroad corridors for trails for
pedestrians, bicyclists, or other non-motorized transportation users.
‘‘(D) Construction of turnouts, overlooks, and viewing areas.
‘(E) Community improvement activities, including—
‘‘(i) inventory, control, or removal of outdoor advertising;
‘‘(ii) historic preservation and rehabilitation of historic transportation
‘‘(iii) vegetation management practices in transportation rights-of-way to
improve roadway safety, prevent against invasive species, and provide
erosion control; and
‘‘(iv) archaeological activities relating to impacts from implementation of
a transportation project eligible under this title.
‘‘(F) Any environmental mitigation activity, including pollution prevention
and pollution abatement activities and mitigation to—
‘‘(i) address stormwater management, control, and water pollution
prevention or abatement related to highway construction or due to highway
runoff; or
‘‘(ii) reduce vehicle-caused wildlife mortality or to restore and maintain
connectivity among terrestrial or aquatic habitats.’’
The Recreational Trails Program is the least changed of the WVDOH
non-traditional grant programs. The major changes are that all grant
funding is now lumped together under the TA Program when apportioned by the
Federal Highway Administration; a portion is then set aside for the
Recreational Trails Program (while the remaining Transportation Alternative
Program funding goes to the other types of Transportation Alternative
The application process itself has also changed. There is now one
Intent-to-Apply format and one Application format. You will be asked if
you are applying for Recreational Trails Program funding; if that box is
checked, then a set of questions relating only to that program will
appear. If you do not check the box, the application is recognized as a
Transportation Alternative project.
In addition, the eligibility of organizations that have applied to the
WVDOH non-traditional grant programs in the past has changed considerably.
Eligible organizations include: local governments; regional transportation
authorities; transit agencies; natural resource or public land agencies;
school districts, local education agencies, or schools; tribal governments;
any other local or regional governmental entities with responsibility for
or oversight of transportation or recreational trails (other than a
metropolitan planning organization or a state agency) that the state
determines to be eligible. The most significant change is that the State
DOT, state agencies in general and non-profits may no longer be eligible
sponsors. The WVDOH encourages organizations that now find themselves
ineligible under MAP-21 to partner with organizations that are eligible;
this is the only way that ineligible organizations under MAP-21 can
continue to participate in the non-traditional grant programs.
There is only one set of dates for the submission of the Intent-to-Apply
and the Application package: all Intent-to-Applies will be due by November
15, 2012, and all Application packages will be due by February 15, 2013.
As with last year, Rhonda Banks will be assisting applicants with all
aspects of the application process. You may contact her at (304) 558 - 9606,
or email her at Rhonda.C.Banks(a)
*William C. Robinson*
*Grant Administration Unit Leader*
*State Trail Coordinator*
*Chairman, West Virginia Recreational Trails Advisory Board*
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