Considering that WV has the third highest incidence of obesity in the nation, this webinar may be particularly useful for us to get SRTS funding.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Deb Hubsmith" <Deb_Hubsmith(a)>
> Date: October 12, 2012 12:12:23 PM EDT
> To: frank.gmeindl(a)
> Subject: Register today for free webinar on tools for building health into SRTS
> Reply-To: "Deb Hubsmith" <reply-783495a15c-ba6c4ec446-fd79(a)>
> The Safe Routes to School National Partnership is hosting a free webinar:
> Health is a Calling Card:
> Tools to Build Health into Safe Routes to School
> Thursday, November 1
> 2-3pm eastern/1-2pm central/12-1pm mountain/11am-12pm pacific
> Register today!
> Safe Routes to School started with traffic safety, but health is now a stronger calling card for Safe Routes to School. Health champions are becoming strong partners for Safe Routes to School at federal, state and local levels. Learn about how to involve health champions in your programs and how to include health in all policies related to Safe Routes to School.
> We'll hear from the following speakers on how health champions and Safe Routes to School advocates are working together to get kids more physically active and improve our communities:
> Robert Ping, Technical Assistance Director, Safe Routes to School National Partnership -- Robert will explain why we should all have health policies in our communities and the importance of including health in your Safe Routes to School planning.
> Candace Rutt, Ph.D., Health Psychologist, Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity at the Centers for Disease Control -- Learn what a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is and why it's a good tool. Candace will also explain the different levels of HIAs and how to conduct one.
> Fred Boykin, President of Bicycle South, and Decatur City Commissioner -- Fred will share the story about a Rapid Response HIA, and explain the process he undertook. Learn about HIA planning steps and the follow-through that resulted in changes for the city of Decatur.
> Brian Fellows, Safe Routes to School Coordinator at the Arizona Department of Transportation -- Hear an overview of the Active School Neighborhood Checklist (ASNC) and how it differs from a standard walkabout. Brian will share the process he used in his efforts to create an ASNC.
> This webinar is the 7th in a series of monthly webinars on topics related to Safe Routes to School and other policy and program initiatives that can increase walking and bicycling to school and in daily life.
> We encourage you to forward this announcement to your networks and listserves.
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> Safe Routes to School National Partnership
> PO Box 2359
> Boulder, Colorado 80306
> US
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