Frank and others,
- I definitely agree with including: Chet, Danielle, Ryan, Gunnar,
Frank, Derek.
- Alice, do you still want to be on the committee?
- Others that have attended in the past or have been copied on emails
include: Damien, Hugh, Don Spencer, Chip, and Nick. I've copied them in
order to get their input on whether they'd still like to help us out.
- I also copied the entire Bike Board (which may cause a duplicate email
for some of you) and would like to request that anyone who is interested in
helping or would like to receive the Mapping Team emails, let us know!
- Anyone else need to be included?
I just prefer not to flood other folks emails if they don't want them.
Thanks Frank for starting this email to get our team roster updated! :)
On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 8:16 AM, Frank Gmeindl <frank.gmeindl(a)>wrote:
> Mapping Team Members,
> Please copy all Mapping Team members on correspondence concerning the
> Mapping Team. (When in doubt, copy the Team.) This will reduce confusion.
> AFAIK, following are the Mapping Team Members. Please correct me if I'm
> wrong.
> Chet Parsons <chetparsons(a)>, Derek Springston <
> dspringston(a)>, Danielle Williams <dwilliams(a)> (Team
> Leader), Ryan Post <rpostwvu(a)>, Gunnar Shogren <
> gshogren(a)>, Alice Vernon <vernon.mail(a)>,Frank Gmeindl <
> frank.gmeindl(a)> .
> Frank D. Gmeindl
> Chairman, Morgantown Municipal Bicycle Board
> LCI #1703
> 491 WilsonAvenue
> Morgantown, WV 26501
> 304-376-0446
> *Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles*
*Let deeds, not words, be your adorning. -'Abdu'l-Baha*
*“Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the future
of the human race.” -H.G. Wells*