Here's a grant opportunity we can discuss tonight. TIGER IV
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Sara Walfoort" <swalfoort(a)>
> Date: February 1, 2012 2:24:17 PM EST
> To: <walkmgw(a)>, "Lena Andrews" <LAndrews(a)URA.ORG>, <lbeattie(a)>, "Jamin Bogi" <jamin(a)>, <Stephan(a)>, "Scott Bricker" <scott(a)>, <brilhart(a)>, <darla.cravotta(a)>, <deanem(a)>, <andrew.dewitt(a)>, "Dietrich, Carla" <CDietrich(a)>, <kayclarke(a)>, <greenways(a)>, <dandrus(a)>, <rwg(a)>, <mgerkey(a)>, <frank.gmeindl(a)>, <Cgould(a)>, <n0di(a)>, <Jgrim(a)>, "Hannah Hardy" <hhardy(a)>, "Kim Harris" <kharris(a)>, "John Haven" <johnhaven(a)>, "Heckman, Lynn" <Lynn.Heckman(a)AlleghenyCounty.US>, <hilton(a)>, <cmh140(a)>, <Tkravits(a)>, "Laurie Lafontaine" <trailsrme(a)>, <bletrick(a)>, "Rhonda Madden" <Rhonda(a)>, <petermcginty(a)>, "Cheryl Moon Sirianni" <Csirriani(a)>, "Stephen Patchan" <Stephen.Patchan(a)>, <Kpower(a)>, <Mrainey(a)>, <rapp4swissvale(a)>, <rhodesdp(a)>, "Saunders, Angela" <ansaunders(a)>, <rs2(a)>, <joe.shafer(a)>, <james.snow(a)>, <Kstefani(a)>, <theakstj(a)>, <sthompson(a)>, <awiles(a)>, "Jakob zumFelde" <jakob(a)>
> Cc: "Darren Flusche" <Darren(a)>, "Brighid O'Keane" <brighid(a)>, "Matt Wempe" <matt(a)>
> Subject: FW: U.S. Transportation Secretary LaHood Announces Fourth Round of Funding Under Highly Successful TIGER Program
> Dear Pedestrian-Bicycle Planner, Advocate or Friend;
> First of all, please let me express my thanks for your participation at the Action 2020 pedestrian and bicycle funding event we co-hosted with Bike Pittsburgh a week or so ago. The diversity of participants, viewpoints and priorities made the exercise interesting, and the results meaningful for the entire region. We look forward to building toward implementation of some of the ideas that we heard at that event.
> One of the items I took away from that event was an understanding that SPC could do a better job of letting people know when funding opportunities become available. This sounds like an easy task, but in reality is somewhat challenging, as we don’t always have a full understanding of WHEN an existing program might next be accepting applications for funding; when a new program might emerge; or even whether any given program is relevant to your particular needs, or interests.
> In this context, I send you the following NOTICE OF FUNDING AVAILABILITY (NOFA) for the TIGER IV Program. In the past, TIGER program funds have been used to fund sustainable, livable projects, many of which include pedestrian and bicycle specific program elements. They have also been used to fund lots of other project types (double stack clearance of the CSX line in western Pennsylvania, for example.)
> My point is, you MIGHT have a project that is eligible under the TIGER IV program. Therefore, I am sending this to you for your review and consideration. However, you should understand that this is a very competitive program, with a very tight application window (pre-applications are due in just a couple of weeks.)
> We received this NOFA late yesterday, or this morning. It was released by the US Department of Transportation yesterday. We are getting this information out to you as quickly as we possibly can, to give you as much time as possible to consider whether you might have a project that could compete under the TIGER IV program. I encourage you to look the information over promptly, due to the tight application deadline. Please also be advised that some projects have, in the past, been “bundled” and have been awarded funding under the TIGER program. So, think in larger terms than just a small stand alone project. Can you combine a local sidewalk project with an economic development initiative? Assemble several communities to tackle a trail connection project? Otherwise think bigger, better, more competitive?
> In the event that I learn anything more about this program, I’ll be sure to pass it on to each of you.
> P.S. My apologies to any of you who may receive this notice more than once. I have not yet fully integrated all my email distribution lists, and there are some folks that I would rather annoy with a second email than risk not sending information to at all.
> Sara
> Sara Walfoort
> Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission
> 425 Sixth Avenue, Suite 2500
> Pittsburgh, PA 15219
> (412) 391-5590, ext. 339
> ******************************************************************************************************
> DOT 13-12
> Tuesday, January 31, 2012
> Contact: Justin Nisly
> Tel.: (202) 366-4570
> U.S. Transportation Secretary LaHood Announces Fourth Round of Funding Under Highly Successful TIGER Program
> Following President Obama's call in his State of the Union address for greater infrastructure investment as part of “An America Built to Last,” U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood today announced the availability of funding for transportation projects under a fourth round of the popular TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) Discretionary Grant program. TIGER 2012 will make $500 million available for surface transportation projects having a significant impact on the nation, a metropolitan area, or region.
> The previous three rounds of the TIGER program provided $2.6 billion to 172 projects in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Demand for the program has been overwhelming, and during the previous three rounds, the Department of Transportation received more than 3,348 applications requesting more than $95 billion for transportation projects across the country.
> “President Obama made clear in his State of the Union address that investing in transportation means putting people back to work, and that’s just what our TIGER program is doing in communities across the country,” said Secretary LaHood. “Americans are demanding investments in highways, ports, commuter rail, streetcars, buses, and high-speed rail. These kinds of projects not only mean a stronger economic future for the U.S., but jobs for Americans today.”
> As in previous rounds, high-speed rail and intercity passenger rail projects remain eligible for funding. TIGER 2012 provides for the possibility of up to $100 million being used toward these projects. TIGER 2012 will also continue to encourage the development of transportation projects in rural areas, providing $120 million for rural transportation projects.
> On November 18, 2011, the President signed the FY 2012 Appropriations Act, which provided $500 million for Department of Transportation infrastructure investments. Like the first three rounds, TIGER 2012 grants are for capital investments in surface transportation infrastructure and are to be awarded on a competitive basis.
> Projects will be evaluated on primary criteria that include safety, economic competitiveness, livability, environmental sustainability, state of repair and short-term job creation.
> Pre-applications are due February 20 and applications are due March 19. You can click here to view the Notice of Funding Availability.
> ###
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