Begin forwarded message:
> From: Carol Allen <callen(a)>
> Date: April 30, 2012 3:37:28 PM EDT
> To: Frank Gmeindl <fgmeindl(a)>
> Subject: Re: Unicycle Ordinance
> OK, I have passed all of this on to the City Attorney and he can respond if he chooses to do so, as these are not questions for me to answer. I don't think there are any ordinances that apply to runners, although I could be wrong.... I was just asked to find out what the status of the review was. You have answered that for now, so thank you!
> Carol
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Frank Gmeindl" <fgmeindl(a)>
> To: "Carol Allen" <callen(a)>
> Cc: "Ryan Post" <rpostwvu(a)>, "Gunnar Shogren" <gshogren(a)>, "Colin Dierman" <colin(a)>, "Jonathan Rosenbaum" <freesource(a)>, "Danielle Williams" <dwilliams(a)>
> Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 1:56:27 PM
> Subject: Re: Unicycle Ordinance
> Carol,
> The committee hasn't finished it's report yet. Perhaps they'll complete it in May. Then, the Bicycle Board must review and approve it. Sometimes that can be done via e-mail. Then, the Bicycle Board must present the recommendations to the Traffic Commission. If the Traffic Commission accepts the recommendations without changes, then the Traffic Commission may take them to the City Council. Following established procedures, I would estimate that the City Council will receive the recommendations by July at the earliest.
> Perhaps you can help me out on something. If a runner, or a runner pushing a baby carriage collides with a pedestrian on the sidewalk in the business district, what ordinance is pertinent? The reason I ask is that unicycles are quite different from skateboards. Unicycles only go as fast as the unicyclist can pedal. There are no gears so the only speed multiplier is the size of the tire and it doesn't provide much speed multiplication. Unlike skateboards, unicycles do not coast. Also, if a unicyclist gets separated from his or her unicycle (i.e. falls off) the unicycle comes to an immediate stop unlike a skateboard which usually continues to roll on without its skateboarder. Therefore, the reason I ask what ordinance(s) apply to runners is that a unicyclist is more like a runner than a skateboarder. (I'm copying the BB unicycle committee because they have struggled with this question.)
> Frank
> On Apr 30, 2012, at 1:23 PM, Carol Allen wrote:
>> Frank,
>> The intent of the ordinance is to prohibit unicycles on the sidewalk. The attorney(s) and various members of the PD are concerned that unicycles can be dangerous to pedestrians. Since we currently prohibit skateboarding on the sidewalks in the downtown business district and also bicycles (downtown and otherwise, if over a certain age), it would seem to be consistent to move forward with the unicycle ordinance. So I guess that is the "driver" prompting the attorney, because I think the PD has been asking......if all this makes sense.
>> Any idea when the recommendation might be finalized?
>> Thanks!
>> Carol
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Frank Gmeindl" <fgmeindl(a)>
>> To: "Carol Allen" <callen(a)>
>> Cc: "Bicycle Board" <bikeboard(a)>, "Scott Ferris" <scott.r.ferris(a)>, "Roy Nutter" <Roy.Nutter(a)>, "Terrence Moore" <tmoore(a)>
>> Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 1:03:35 PM
>> Subject: Re: Unicycle Ordinance
>> Carol,
>> In response to direction from the Traffic Commission, the Bicycle Board has been reporting status of this activity to the Traffic Commission at the monthly Traffic Commission meeting. A committee was formed. It reviewed the draft ordinance. It reviewed other relevant city and state ordinances. It met with Chief Preston to identify the issues. It researched the subject including surveying unicyclists in other communities to learn how they address unicycling. It drafted a recommendation. It is still working on finalizing the recommendation.
>> What is the driver prompting the attorney to say that we need to proceed with action on an ordinance? This morning, I learned that at least 4 people have fallen from their bicycles and been injured while trying to navigate the temporary gravel detour on the rail trail. After spending $130M tearing up the rail trail and after more than two years, much of which major sections of the trail has been closed, the job is still not done. Last week, I read in the Dominion Post that WVDOH will complete in 2 weeks and for $180K a repair job on Rt. 100 near the Osage turn-off that is very similar to the repair on the rail trail. There are approximately 4 unicyclists in Morgantown. An unicyclist-caused injury has never been reported. I don't see the urgency.
>> Frank D. Gmeindl
>> Chairman, Morgantown Municipal Bicycle Board
>> LCI #1703
>> 491 WilsonAvenue
>> Morgantown, WV 26501
>> 304-376-0446
>> Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles
>> On Apr 30, 2012, at 10:47 AM, Carol Allen wrote:
>>> Hi Frank,
>>> I believe that Terrence may have asked the Bicycle Board to review a proposed ordinance regarding unicycles on sidewalks. That was awhile ago, and we have not heard anything since. Do you have the ordinance and if so, did the Bike Board review it? Our attorney said we need to proceed with action on this ordinance.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Carol Allen
>>> City Managers Office
>>> City of Morgantown