Thanks for the suggestions! I wonder if they'll trigger any additional inputs from other BB members.
On May 11, 2012, at 12:39 PM, director wrote:
> Frank,
> I've got a few answers, I realize they may be different from the Bike Board's
> -Why did Morgantown decide to apply for BFC status?
> -What is Morgantown's eventual goal?-How has cycle culture developed in Morgantown? How have community members responded?
> Reduction in motor vehicle traffic of 80% by the year 2040 - this is necessary worldwide to avoid global climate disaster. We can do it here.
> -Have any challenges arisen in becoming more bike friendly? how can communities overcome such challenges?
> Fossil fuel industries (particularly gas fracking) have stepped up their activities in the area with large and heavy trucks, in addition to the coal and gravel trucks that have long crowded and crumbled our local roads. These commercial trucks are allowed on city roads that would provide the best biking routes.
> -Why do you believe cycling is important in your community?
> Individually it improves health and fitness, saves money, makes better use of time and reduces stress. Community-wide it increases social interaction, makes a quieter and cleaner city and reduces the cost of maintaining roads and traffic services.
> Why should other communities work to become more bike-friendly?
> For the reason above, and because we need to reduce motor vehicle traffic WORLDWIDE by 80%. Every community needs to accomplish this.
> -What is next on the horizon for bike-friendly Morgantown? for cycling advocacy?
> More bike events to get new cyclists started. Better education and facilities to keep new cyclists riding - safely and enjoyably. A bike-pedestrian coordinator (paid) position shared between the city and university.
> (Any personal or community anecdotes you might have would be perfect; we'd love for the entire BFA community to get excited about Morgantown's progress and find inspiration for their own communities!)
> I wouldn't know where to start, but Roger Dotson could give a good personal testimonial about how he came to be a full-time bike commuter.
> Nick Hein LCI# 1705
> Director, Positive Spin
> 803 East Brockway Ave
> Morgantown, WV
> ph 304-276-0213