Hi Bill,
Thanks for sharing. In the Greater Morgantown Bicycle Plan unanimously adopted by the City Council May 2012, Engineering Action 15: "Conduct a comprehensive traffic flow and redesign study of the Sunnyside, Wiles Hill and Evansdale areas to minimize the difficulty and perceived risk of bicycle travel between WVU campuses" covers this. Had there been serious attention to implementing the Bicycle Plan, we could already be addressing the situation raised by Ms. McDonald.
Frank D. Gmeindl
LCI #1703
491 Wilson Avenue
Morgantown, WV 26501
Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles
On Sep 30, 2013, at 11:36 PM, Bill wrote:
> From: "Suzanne McDonald" <suzmcd(a)frontier.com>
> To: citycouncilward1(a)cityofmorgantown.org, citycouncilward6(a)cityofmorgantown.org, citycouncilward3@cityofmorgantown.org,citycouncilward2@cityofmorgantown.org, citycouncilward4(a)cityofmorgantown.org, citycouncilward5@cityofmorgantown.org,citycouncilward7@cityofmorgantown.org
> Cc: "Petros Bill" <bkpetros(a)yahoo.com>, "Beth Royall" <bethroyall(a)gmail.com>, "Panaccione Nicole" <npanac(a)gmail.com>, "Suzanne McDonald" <suzmcd(a)frontier.com>
> Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 10:01:24 PM
> Subject: Evansdale Neighborhood urges council to postpone vote to annul roadway, alley and realignment of segment, or vote no
> Morgantown City Council,
> Evansdale residents are concerned about the traffic and pedestrian plans for the new student dorms that WVU is building on the north east side of University Avenue. The proposed development will house nearly as many students as the massive tower complex already on Evansdale. Neighbors are afraid that the new development will add to the serious traffic and pedestrian safety problem that already exists in that area on University Avenue.
> Evansdale residents would like council to postpone the final vote to realign and annul roadways within the footprint of the new development until WVU works together with council to provide a study on the traffic and pedestrian impacts of 1,500 additional students crossing University at least twice a day. It is our hope that WVU would then work together with the city to develop traffic and pedestrian plans for the proposed development. In the past WVU has released plans in bits and pieces of new developments without a big picture view of impacts on traffic and pedestrian safety on streets and sidewalks just off campus. The new development is just too large to proceed in this piecemeal process.
> This scale is unacceptable without a plan with the city to route the added traffic in a way that doesn't harm adjacent neighborhoods.
> The Evansdale neighbors suggests that council insist that any new traffic should be routed through the old Medical Center Drive, which should be open again to through traffic. The WVU development needs to route traffic that way and not out Oakland Avenue. In addition, the future closure of Evansdale Drive from the tennis courts to the CAC will add more traffic to 8th street and University. We need WVU to work together with city on traffic and pedestrian safety for Evansdale along University and Patterson before the annulment of roadways for the colossal development of 1500 beds goes any further.
> Attached is a map on which I have highlighted Medical Center Drive and the small segment of Country Club Drive which will need to be used to access the Evansdale Drive/old Medical Center Drive.
> Below the map is a photo the intersection of Country Club Drive with Oakland and you can see that right beside the prt tracks Medical Center Drive which intersects University Drive, and there is already a traffic light there. You can also see where WVU is now using part of that city street (Medical Center Drive) that was closed to through-traffic as paid parking.
> If WVU cannot work with the city to develop a traffic and pedestrian plan for this specific development that is compatible to the Evandale neighborhood, existing businesses, traffic flow and pedestrian safety then perhaps the city should retain the roadways as they are, including alleys and the development should just be on a smaller scale. Please vote 'no' or postpone.
> Sincerely,
> Suzanne McDonald
> President, Evansdale Neighborhood Association
> 1. Highlighted Evansdale Drive (Medical Center Drive) and small segment of Country Club Drive
> <Medical Center Drive.tiff>
> Close up of Intersection of Country Club Drive and Medical Center Drive.
> <country club drive.tiff>