WVCC Legislative Committee meeting Monday, Nov. 18th at 10:00 a.m in Charleston.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Kasey Russell <russell.kasey(a)gmail.com>
> Date: November 14, 2013 8:20:15 AM EST
> To: Emmett Pepper <epepper(a)vt.edu>, Don Spencer <dspencer36(a)comcast.net>, Frank Gmeindl <frank.gmeindl(a)comcast.net>, Gary Zuckett <garyz(a)wvcag.org>
> Cc: Rahul Gupta <rahul.gupta(a)wv.gov>, "Strawn, Dennis A" <dennis.strawn(a)highmark.com>, Patrick Donovan <pdonovan(a)njrati.org>
> Subject: WVCC Legislative Committee Meeting
> Hello WVCC Members -- We would like to have a Legislative Committee meeting on Monday, Nov. 18th at 10:00 a.m. Would you all be able to attend either in person or via conference call? We will be meeting in Steve Fowler's office in downtown Charleston and will have access to a conference phone.
> Please let me know. I would expect our meeting to last 1 12/ hours.
> Thanks, kasey