Begin forwarded message:
> From: Kasey Russell <russell.kasey(a)>
> Date: March 26, 2013 5:39:53 PM EDT
> To: Andrea Salina <andreathompson31(a)>, Andrea Salina <a.salina(a)>, Bill Austin <baustin(a)>, Charles Holley <cholley(a)>, Christiaan Abildso <cgabildso(a)>, Craig Slaughter <craig.slaughter(a)>, Dennis A Strawn <dennis.strawn(a)>, "DSpencer36(a)" <DSpencer36(a)>, Emily Vasile <Emily.Vasile(a)>, Emily Vasile <emilyvasile(a)>, Frank Gmeindl <frank.gmeindl(a)>, Gail Pitchford <gail.pitchford(a)>, Gary Zuckett <garyz(a)>, Gary Zuckett <garyz(a)>, Greg Garrett <gagarrett(a)>, Jeffrey Lusk <jlusk(a)>, John Manchester <jmanchester(a)>, Michael Loughney <mloughney(a)>, Patricia Clay <patricia.clay(a)>, Patrick Donovan <pdonovan(a)>, Rahul Gupta <rahul.gupta(a)>, Stacy Bisker <selaineb(a)>, Steve Fowler <smf(a)>, Ted Armbrecht <eca3(a)>, Tom Heywood <theywood(a)>, Tom Wood <twood84(a)>
> Subject: HB3021 is moving!
> Hello WVCC Members -- Our bill, HB3021, is on the House Roads &
> Transportation Committee agenda tomorrow at 2:00.
> If you have a few minutes, please call as many delegates as you can to
> urge their support of the bill. I am attaching talking points just in
> case you actually reach a delegate. At this point in the session, you
> will likely reach a voice mail or a secretary and will only be able to
> encourage support of the bill without giving any reason. Gary and I
> tried to get all delegates the talking points and even much thorough
> report developed by the Morgantown Bike Board. The biggest question
> has been why do not to require all cyclists to ride on the far right
> of every roadway (this bill would repeal that requirement); they also
> ask why should bikes not be required to use bike paths if one exists
> (this would also be repealed). Not much talk about the 4 foot passing
> requirement.
> Thanks for your help.
> kasey
> House of Delegates -- Roads & Transportation Committee
> Chairwoman Staggers -- 304.340.3197
> Vice Chair Phillips (Linda) -- 304.340.3163
> Delegate Cowles -- 304.340.3177
> Delegate Gearheart -- 304.340.3179
> Delegates Barill -- 304.340.3173
> Boggs -- 304.340.3220
> Longstreth -- 304.340.3124
> Lynch --304.340.3392
> Marcum --304.340.3126
> Poling, Daniel -- 304.340.3137
> Skaff -- Doug is a sponsor.
> Smith, Margaret -- 304.340.3123
> Stephens -- 304.340.3395
> Stowers -- supporting bill; no need to call.
> Walker -- 304.340.3135
> Wells -- Danny is head sponsor and does not need a call unless you
> want to thank him.
> Ambler -- 304.340.3129
> Butler -- 304.340.3199
> Cadle -- 304.340.3118
> Ellington -- 304.340.3172
> Espinosa -- 304.340.3130
> Evans -- 304.340.3151
> Hamrick -- 304.340-3141
> Howell -- 304.340.3191
> Shott -- 304.340.3187