Begin forwarded message:
> From: Kasey Russell <russell.kasey(a)>
> Date: April 2, 2013, 3:58:21 PM EDT
> To: Andrea Salina <andreathompson31(a)>, Bill Austin <baustin(a)>, Charles Holley <cholley(a)>, Christiaan Abildso <cgabildso(a)>, Craig Slaughter <craig.slaughter(a)>, Dennis A Strawn <dennis.strawn(a)>, Don Spencer <DSpencer36(a)>, Emily Vasile <Emily.Vasile(a)>, Frank Gmeindl <frank.gmeindl(a)>, Gail Pitchford <gail.pitchford(a)>, Gary Zuckett <garyz(a)>, Greg Garrett <gagarrett(a)>, Jeffrey Lusk <jlusk(a)>, John Manchester <jmanchester(a)>, Michael Loughney <mloughney(a)>, Patricia Clay <patricia.clay(a)>, Patrick Donovan <pdonovan(a)>, Rahul Gupta <rahul.gupta(a)>, Stacy Bisker <selaineb(a)>, Steve Fowler <smf(a)>, Ted Armbrecht <eca3(a)>, Tom Heywood <theywood(a)>, Tom Wood <twood84(a)>
> Cc: Tom Lane <tlane(a)>, Susie K Salisbury <Susiesalis(a)>, Rod Watkins <rodwatkins(a)>, Jodi Urbanic <jodimcmillian(a)>
> Subject: HB3021
> Hello WV Connecting Communities Members and a few others -- Gary Zuckett has let me know that our Bike Bill as it is being called is on third reading on the House of Delegates floor tomorrow. As of now, HB3021 has a four-foot passing requirement for motorists and repeals the mandatory bike path language. The far to the right repeal that we want in the bill was not amended back in and faces major opposition. Again, I am very happy with the dialogue this bill has created regarding cycling in our state. And, not just for recreation but a dialogue about biking to work, school, and errands.
> The bill is expected to pass the House but it is always nice for your Delegates to hear from their constituents. If you have a minute or two and feel comfortable calling your Delegate, now is the time to do so :).
> I will keep you posted on what happens tomorrow and the plan for the Senate.
> If any of you have a Complete Streets update, please let me know. I know Gary was hoping to help get this on the Transportation committee agenda in the House but not sure the status.
> Thanks everyone, kasey