Hey folks,
A coworker of mine who just recently purchased a Specialized Tricross (the
same as my commuter's make/model) just had it stolen after owning it a few
months. She's been commuting to work regularly and had it locked in a shed
near her house. I guess she's outside of city limits, so the Morgantown
Police (if I remember right) didn't offer her much help. It was stolen
last weekend, August 2nd-4th. She's checked with some of the local pawn
shops already.
I've recommended to her that she keep checking local Craigslist ads, post
it on Mon Bike Club, WVU Cycling club page, Country Road Cyclists page,
post flyers at the local Bike shops and anywhere she can around town, and
perhaps even some facebook avenues could be valuable.
I've attached her flyer to this email, which she prefers us to share openly
with everyone you can think of.
Do you have any other ideas that could help? Would love to see her get
this bike back, especially since she's been such an avid bike commuter.
She drove today because she didn't have her bike. :(
*Let deeds, not words, be your adorning. -'Abdu'l-Baha*
*“Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the future
of the human race.” -H.G. Wells*