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---- Original Message ----
From: "Derek Springston" dspringston(a)
Sent: 1/9/2014 10:58:06 PM
To: "Bike Board - Morgantown" bikeboard(a)
Subject: [Bikeboard] Seeking Transporation Alternatives Application volunteers...
Bike Board Members,
As of two days ago, we now have access to the WVDOH Grants Application page that will allow us to assist the City of Morgantown with preparing the Transportation Alternatives grant application for the Shared Lane Markings/Bikes May Use Full Lane signs and the Bike/Bus Shelter projects.
I've attached a mostly incomplete application (TA Application PDF 1289.pdf) for your review. I've also attached a copy of the Letter of Intent (TA Intent PDF 1289.pdf) that was submitted by the City to provide you with the initial project descriptions.
Please review the application and determine where your skills and expertise can help and let me know what sections you could complete or oversee.
Please let me know by January 17th, so I can plan on who is doing what ASAP.
The last day to submit our application is March 14, 2014. I'd like to finish it by the end of February.
Let deeds, not words, be your adorning. -'Abdu'l-Baha
Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the future of the human race. -H.G. Wells