$100k for communities of 100-300k people. A county per the FAQ is considered a "community", thus Mon Co could apply. Planning, technical assistance, and implementation of the project.
Eligible projects include, but are not limited to:
- A pavement-to-parks project;
- Curb extensions and chicanes;
- Crosswalks and crossings;
- Gateway features;
- Protected bike lanes;
- Pocket parks and plazas;
- Roundabouts and mini-circles;
- Neighborhood traffic calming;
- First and last mile transit projects;
- Road rightsizing projects (lane reductions);
- Bike parking and street furniture;
- Bike and pedestrian-oriented signage and wayfinding;
- Non-motorized trail linkages.
An eligible policy effort can be:
- Development and adoption of a street design manual that localizes active transportation tools;
- An update of zoning ordinances to support healthy design;
- Updating a permitting process to allow interim design;
- Adoption of a Complete Streets policy and implementation plan;
- Revising Capital Improvement Plan project selection to support active transportation (e.g. this may include training of local or regional public works, planning, transportation, emergency responders and other staffs to implement innovative design features).
Hello all,
Please spread the word that I have reserved Morgantown city council chambers for a joint viewing of this webinar from 1-2pm tomorrow.
Drew Gatlin
Staff Engineer
389 Spruce St., Rm. 24
Morgantown, WV 26505
Office: (304) 284-7411
Cell: (304) 719-7900
Fax: (304) 284-7409
From: Ella Belling <ella(a)>
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 1:42 PM
To: Damien Davis <ddavis(a)>; (John)Drew Gatlin <jgatlin(a)>; Bill Austin <baustin(a)>; Phil Goff <philgoff(a)>; PCPaRC Commission <prestoncountyparks(a)>; Jennifer Selin <Jennyformorgantown(a)>; Bill Kawecki <wm_a_kawecki(a)>; Christiaan Abildso <cabildso(a)>; Harshbarger, David <harshbargerd(a)>; Paul Brake <pbrake(a)>; Bill Reger-Nash <wreger(a)>; matthew <crossnyc(a)>; Weaver, David (Morgantown) <david.weaver(a)>; Emily Muzzarelli <emuzzarelli(a)>
Subject: Fwd: Join us for a webinar on pop-up events and temporary infrastructure
Hi all,
Sending this opportunity on to those that might be interested in a free webinar on temporary transportation models and especially as we look to do one of these of our own in connection to the Bike / Ped. Plan that we are working on with Alta. Ella
Ella Belling
Executive Director
Mon River Trails Conservancy
P.O. Box 282
Morgantown, WV 26507
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Eva Lizette Garcia , Rails-to-Trails Conservancy" <info(a)<>>
Subject: Join us for a webinar on pop-up events and temporary infrastructure
Date: July 23, 2019 at 1:19:17 PM EDT
To: "Ella Belling" <ella(a)<>>
Reply-To: "Eva Lizette Garcia , Rails-to-Trails Conservancy" <railtrails(a)<>>
[Rails-to-Trails Conservancy]<>
Hi Ella,
Have you been trying to get support to improve bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure in your community? Do you have great ideas that others just don’t seem to understand? Or are you worried about how your community might react to the change?
Join us for our free webinar<> on how communities across the country are using pop-up events and temporary infrastructure to educate community members and improve connectivity for trails in your area.
What: Pop-Up Events and Temporary Infrastructure
When: Wednesday, July 31, 2019; 1–2 p.m. EDT
Presenters: Ramiro Gonzalez, AICP, government affairs liaison, City of Brownsville, Texas; Jim Brown, director of TrailNation, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy; Katie Sieb, AICP, transportation planner, Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA)
Register today and invite your partners!<>
Register Now<>
Pop-up events and temporary infrastructure projects are flexible, inexpensive ways to demonstrate changes in streetscape designs. They help show the public how they can experience their city streets in new ways. And they open a communication channel that can guide officials to invest in projects that are supported by the public.
During the webinar, you'll learn about how these strategies help promote trail network connectivity through a demonstration crosswalk in Baltimore, a Build a Better Block project in the Rio Grande Valley and Street Supplies—a library program for temporary transportation projects—in Northeast Ohio.
I hope you can join us for this free event<> to hear success stories from throughout the country—and how pop-up projects can help you!
[… Lizette Garcia
Project Manager, Lower Rio Grande Valley Active Plan
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
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Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
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Washington, DC 20037
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All-We learned the hard way that you shouldn't leave an inflatable stand up paddleboard in the sun to dry, even for a short time. It popped, ripping about a 6-8" split in the seem. We tried all sorts of boat epoxies, flex seal etc. to no avail. I'm about to put it at the curb for trash pickup tomorrow but thought somebody could use it, even scrap pieces, rather than I throw it out. The model info is
Let me know if you want it. Thanks!Christiaan
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