Thanks for the feedback on the Maine event. I just came back from a membership development conference in San Francisco, where bikes outnumber cars (nearly). In the conference we were getting support from mfgrs and local government. It felt good, and it seemed right. I love it when that happens.
Please don't get me wrong on the subject of bike lanes. Here's my recommendation:
Ride your bike in the traffic lane when conditions permit, move to the right and let traffic pass when you are going substantially slower AND it is safe to do so. Make curb lanes wide enough and eliminate obstructions SO it is safe to do so.
Just leave out the paint strip and "Bike Lane" declaration. It confuses people. Every public road is ALREADY a bike lane, no need to declare one.
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Jennifer Selin <jselin(a)>
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 10:19:00 -0400
>To Nick and all:
>I know that bike lanes are dangerous, I have seen the "car turn-in to the bike rider" myself. However, if you really want more riders in Morgantown, we need a variety of ways that people can ride. This does not deny the bicycle its just use of the road, at least in my mind. I think we want to bring people along to the idea of bicycling one step at a time....
>Separate trails along natural corridors such as the river or highways (many places have a separated trail many yards from the road to get to the local Mall or the next town) are a big boost to those riders who are not yet as adventuresome on the road with cars. These riders, sometimes this applies to me, over time may become more adventuresome on the road, particularly as car drivers get used to sharing the road.
>Also the connections between neighborhoods, trails, and roads require careful navigation and the more timid riders become used to dealing with traffic when in these transition zones. Many people will enjoy the bike routes you are developing because they may not yet be thinking of the best way to use the roads to get somewhere by bicycle.
>The more careful (wider) spacing of lanes, even the shoulders-that-are-paved-and-should-not-be-used-by-vehicles-such-as-bikes, give cars and bikes more room to work with speed differentials. There are ways to make it easier to bike by road design as you all have mentioned. Sometimes it is by slowing all traffic or limiting the access or turning options of car traffic.
>I just attended the Common Ground festival in Unity Maine where they had a huge bike parking area and encouraged people to bicycle in from the nearby town. Each rider was greeted at an bike-tire framed arch by a small cheering committee. They also had a train commute option to enter the grounds.
>Jenny Selin
>1224 Fairlawns
>Morgantown, WV 26505
>> Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 08:49:18 -0400
>> From: director(a)
>> To: bikeboard(a)
>> Subject: [Bikeboard] Parade magazine article, Bike Friendly Cities
>> Good morning,
>> This article was in Today's Parade magazine today. Good stuff, except for over-selling bike lanes and separated paths (IMHO). I'm going to take it to our mayor.
>> Have a good riding day (splish, splash)
>> Nick
>> --
>> Nick Hein LCI# 1705
>> Director, Positive Spin
>> 2567 Univ Ave Ste 6000L
>> Morgantown, WV
>> ph 304-276-0213
>> --
>> _______________________________________________
>> Bikeboard mailing list
>> Bikeboard(a)
>Insert movie times and more without leaving Hotmail®.
Nick Hein LCI# 1705
Director, Positive Spin
2567 Univ Ave Ste 6000L
Morgantown, WV
ph 304-276-0213
Good morning,
This article was in Today's Parade magazine today. Good stuff, except for over-selling bike lanes and separated paths (IMHO). I'm going to take it to our mayor.
Have a good riding day (splish, splash)
Nick Hein LCI# 1705
Director, Positive Spin
2567 Univ Ave Ste 6000L
Morgantown, WV
ph 304-276-0213
I intend to stay in town to help promote the event locally since Positive Spin is primarily a local organization, but maybe I can get some recruits for next year.
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Frank Gmeindl <fgmeindl(a)>
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 08:08:02 -0400
>Bicycle Board Members,
>I suppose this is an invitation. If you're interested, please reply all
>and we can organize a contingent to represent Morgantown. Not much time
>as this is next week.
>-------- Original Message --------
>Subject: Bike West Virginia - Meeting August 16 at Snowshoe Mountain, WV
>Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 21:32:12 -0400
>From: Kim Broughton <kimberlyjoshi(a)>
>To: fgmeindl(a)
>Bike WV
>* *
>*The West Virginia Cycling Foundation website
>Is where we keep our information. We are grateful for their support by
>providing funding and allowing use of their resources.
>* *
>Helmet poster
>*The West Virginia Helmet poster and brochures are here!*
>The helmet safety posters and brochures are back from the print shop and
>are beautiful. Many thanks to Stonewall Marketing Group
>for donating the creative work for this project!
>The posters are 11 x 17 and $10 each.
>Let me know if you would like to order posters or brochures ($2 each)
>and I will get them right out to you!
>If you have information on bike shops in your area, please send it my
>way. I would like to send them information on the posters and
>brochures. Thanks!
>This newsletter is put together by Kim Broughton. Feel free to contact
>me at kimberlyjoshi(a) <>!
> September 23, 2009
> Ride with WV's Department of Transportation and show your support for
> bicycle commuting
>October 2 (Friday) is a scheduled bicycle commute where the WV
>Department of Transportation's Division Director and other staffers
>commute from Putnam County to the Capitol Complex in Charleston, WV
>(about 25 miles). Tom Smith, the Division Administrator for the
>"Federal Highway Administration -- West Virginia Division" has joined
>them as well. _*We have been invited to join this ride to show our
>support for bicycle commuting.*_
>The ride will start at the "Park and Ride" for US 35 in Putnam County at
>It is possible that the WVDOT Television show will film a segment for
>their show.
>If you have questions or comments, please email Kim Broughton at
>kimberlyjoshi(a) Join the ride and thank WV DOT for the invitation!
> Forming of Legislative committee
>After the ride with DOT, several folks are joining in the office of
>Stephen Fowler to unify our efforts towards a legislative agenda. We
>are very excited to be involved in bringing together such amazing
>expertise towards the goal of promoting safe and enjoyable cycling in WV.
>This message was sent from Kim Broughton to fgmeindl(a) It was
>sent from: West Virginia Cycling Foundation, Route 2, Box 331 B,
>Charleston, WV 25314. You can modify/update your subscription via the
>link below.
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Nick Hein LCI# 1705
Director, Positive Spin
2567 Univ Ave Ste 6000L
Morgantown, WV
ph 304-276-0213
Bicycle Board Members,
I suppose this is an invitation. If you're interested, please reply all
and we can organize a contingent to represent Morgantown. Not much time
as this is next week.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Bike West Virginia - Meeting August 16 at Snowshoe Mountain, WV
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 21:32:12 -0400
From: Kim Broughton <kimberlyjoshi(a)>
To: fgmeindl(a)
Bike WV
* *
*The West Virginia Cycling Foundation website
Is where we keep our information. We are grateful for their support by
providing funding and allowing use of their resources.
* *
Helmet poster
*The West Virginia Helmet poster and brochures are here!*
The helmet safety posters and brochures are back from the print shop and
are beautiful. Many thanks to Stonewall Marketing Group
for donating the creative work for this project!
The posters are 11 x 17 and $10 each.
Let me know if you would like to order posters or brochures ($2 each)
and I will get them right out to you!
If you have information on bike shops in your area, please send it my
way. I would like to send them information on the posters and
brochures. Thanks!
This newsletter is put together by Kim Broughton. Feel free to contact
me at kimberlyjoshi(a) <>!
September 23, 2009
Ride with WV's Department of Transportation and show your support for
bicycle commuting
October 2 (Friday) is a scheduled bicycle commute where the WV
Department of Transportation's Division Director and other staffers
commute from Putnam County to the Capitol Complex in Charleston, WV
(about 25 miles). Tom Smith, the Division Administrator for the
"Federal Highway Administration -- West Virginia Division" has joined
them as well. _*We have been invited to join this ride to show our
support for bicycle commuting.*_
The ride will start at the "Park and Ride" for US 35 in Putnam County at
It is possible that the WVDOT Television show will film a segment for
their show.
If you have questions or comments, please email Kim Broughton at
kimberlyjoshi(a) Join the ride and thank WV DOT for the invitation!
Forming of Legislative committee
After the ride with DOT, several folks are joining in the office of
Stephen Fowler to unify our efforts towards a legislative agenda. We
are very excited to be involved in bringing together such amazing
expertise towards the goal of promoting safe and enjoyable cycling in WV.
This message was sent from Kim Broughton to fgmeindl(a) It was
sent from: West Virginia Cycling Foundation, Route 2, Box 331 B,
Charleston, WV 25314. You can modify/update your subscription via the
link below.
Email Marketing by <>
iContact - Try It Free! <>
Manage your subscription
View this message in the iContact Community: View message
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Hey guys,
Did the Bike Board finalize a set of symbols and categories for our Bike Route map? I'm still working on getting all of the routes in. We're aiming to finish up our Bike Route Map for the October 19th Intermodal Facility grand opening. The most challenging and time consuming part of finishing this map could be finalizing and agreeing on the symbols and categories for the routes we've mapped. Please, let me know what was decided at the last meeting.
“Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the future of the human race.” -H.G. Wells
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Bicycle Board Members,
I was wondering why Betsy and gunnar missed the September Bicycle Board
meeting. Today I read in Cycling
Betsy Shogren (Cannondale Factory Racing) took top women's honors in
the 2009 US National Ultra Endurance (NUE) series, which concluded
with its eighth and final race at the Tahoe-Sierra 100 on September
12. The best four of each racer's results were used to calculate the
standings. Eight races comprised the series, which commenced at the
Cohutta 100 on April 25 and visited Tennessee, Ohio, Michigan,
Pennsylvania, Virginia, Colorado, Georgia and California.
Shogren completed six 100-milers, winning at the Lumberjack, Mohican
and Fool's Gold. A second place at the Shenandoah Mountain 100
netted her the overall win. She also raced to third at the
Wilderness 101 and fourth at the Cohutta.
Congratulations, Betsy!
Bicycle Board Members,
Attached is my and Bill Austin's report on our trip to State College to
review their bike lanes and bicycle parking. They have bikes and bike
parking everywhere. If you just want to see the photos, go to…
. I hope this will energize you to help Chip with the parking committee.
/Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles/
Dear Bill,
I am grateful to Dr. Rye for copying me on his message. A solution to
Dr. Rye's and other novice cyclists' problem with 705 is to widen the
right lane to 14 feet to enable motor vehicles to safely pass bicycles
without having to cross the center line. Erecting Share the Road signs
(MUTCD W11-1 & W16-1) in addition to widening the lane may increase
motorist awareness that bicyclists belong on the roadway.
Shoulders are not a part of the roadway (WV Code 17C-1-37) and are not
intended for ordinary vehicular traffic.
17C-11-2 says, "every person riding a bicycle upon a roadway shall be
granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties as
the driver of a vehicle". Some of these rights include the right to use
the roadway and the right to equal protection under the law.
17C-7-5 (a) says, "No vehicle shall be driven to the left side of the
center of the roadway in overtaking and passing another vehicle
proceeding in the same direction unless such left side is clearly
visible and is free of oncoming traffic for a sufficient distance ahead
to permit such overtaking and passing to be completely made without
interfering with the safe operation of any vehicle approaching from the
opposite direction or any vehicle overtaken"
There is no minimum speed limit on 705 and cyclists are not prohibited
from 705. The lanes are apparently insufficiently wide to enable motor
vehicles and bicyclists to travel safely side by side in the lane.
Given this situation, the law requires motorists to wait until it's
clear to pass the cyclist. In Morgantown's current social, political
and legal climate, a motorist slowing down for a cyclist as required by
law is not expected. A practical solution is to widen the curb lane and
remind motorists with Share the Road signs that bicycles may be
present. A little enforcement would also help.
Frank Gmeindl
Chairman, Morgantown Municipal Bicycle Board
League Cycling Instructor 1703
On 9/19/2009 12:35 PM, Jim Rye wrote:
> Dear Bill,
> Do you know: Is inbound 705 between the Mileground and Stewartstown
> road being expanded to 2 lanes, and in so doing, will the wide
> shoulder be removed?
> This shoulder is an integral part of bicyclists' (I being one)
> commuter route. I understand that, as cyclists, we are legally
> entitled to riding on the roadway (except as stated within the WV
> Bicycle Law pasted at the end of this message). However, the 50
> mph speed limit coupled with the high traffic density on this section
> of 705 presents a real safety hazard to doing so. Furthermore, with
> two inbound lanes and a speed limit of 50 mph, moving to the left hand
> turn lane to turn onto Stewartstown Road (to continue our commute)
> will present an even greater hazard to cyclists.
> If this expansion is going to happen and the speed limit will remain
> 50 mph: I am requesting that (a) a paved shoulder be part of that
> development, and (b) (regardless of the speed limit) ample signage be
> installed to alert motorists that cyclists are using this roadway and
> to be courteous (?yield?) to cyclists who will be merging into the
> left hand turn lane to access Stewartstown Road.
> During 2006 and 2007, I served as a member of the MPO to represent
> commuter cyclists. I thought we were headed in the "right thing to
> do" direction in terms of creating a bicycle friendly greater
> Morgantown area: a progressive community that wants to realize the
> human and environmental health benefits of non-motorized transit and
> attract like-minded professionals and their families who value such to
> our area.
> If there is anyone else who should receive this
> message, kindly forward it. Thank you very much.
> *§17C-11-5. Riding on roadways and bicycle paths. *
> (c) Whenever a usable path for bicycles has been provided adjacent to
> a roadway, bicycle riders shall use such path and shall not use the
> roadway.
> Jim Rye
> Professor
> Science Education
> Dept C&I/LS
> College of Human Resources & Education
> West Virginia University
> PO Box 6122
> 604L Allen Hall
> Morgantown, WV 26506-6122
> Phone: (304) 293-4416
> Fax: (304) 293-3802
> Email: jim.rye(a) <>
> Web Page:
> <>
> Are YOU waitin' for the world to change?
> ECAS/HRE NSF-Supported WV Watershed Dynamics Project