I'll be there as well, but will maybe have to leave a little early around 8 if the meeting is still going on then.


On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 11:40 AM, Gunnar Shogren <gshogren@gmail.com> wrote:
Okay folks,

Everyone enjoying the #snowquester? Well do try...

Meeting is still on.

So far for agenda items I have-
Saris Rack
  Lead by Jonathan, Derek or Emily
Kid's Day
  Lead by Emily
Bike to Work Day May 17th
  Lead by Traci
Local Cycling Events discussion?
  Lead by Andrew

Not looking for resolution on any of those items, more some folks will
decide to get together, work on them and report back on the
outstanding progress they've made.

Anything else, besides the reports from the major projects?

Attached please find the January minutes revised again.  Please review
them so we can accept them or make changes as necessary.

Thanks heaps.

Bikeboard mailing list

Andrew R. Walker
Pathfinder of West Virginia
235 High Street
Morgantown, WV 26505
(304) 296-0076