Education Committee Members,
What do you think about getting together to regroup now that the bicycling education grant is drawing to a close? There are several things that I think we need to resolve:
1. Whether to continue offering courses and if so, which ones, who will teach them, when, where, how much to charge and how to market them. 2. What to do with all the promotional materials that we now have including the seven video spots, Nick's video, remaining newspaper articles, WVU info kiosks, 3' x 8' banner, bumper stickers, business cards, billboard designs, poster designs, newspaper ad designs, Mountaineer Yellow Pages community page, police info cards, Street Smarts books, TS101 student packets. 3. The future of the website, and the facebook page, BikeMorgantown. 4. The bike route map. 5. What to say in the final report on the grant.