Bicycle Board,

Some of you may be familiar with the Bicycle Parking Plan that is nearly half the size of the current Bicycling Plan.  It's length and complexity may explain why repeated attempts at getting feedback from this group have mostly failed in the past.  But since the subject of Engineering is now being considered there needs to be some closure as to what should become of this plan.

A).  Should it be incorporated into the Engineering section of the Bicycling Plan which presently provides only general guidelines for parking?
B).  Should it be added as an addendum to the Bicycling Plan to provide specifics to the general parking guidelines?
C).  Should it exist as an independent entity?
D).  Should the plan be ditched?

I hope this will be my last attempt at getting some traction from this group about this subject.  The latest draft of the Bicycling Parking Plan is attached to this message.


On 5/2/2011 3:05 PM, Frank Gmeindl wrote:
Bicycle Board Members,

One item on the agenda for this Thursday's meeting is to finalize the Engineering section of the Morgantown Bicycling Plan.  For your convenience in preparing for the meeting, I've attached just the Engineering section.  (All you need to do is click on the file name to be reading it!  :)  It's 5 pages long.  

Of course, you can read the whole plan at .  I recommend you do read it as some of the initiatives that you might think should be in Engineering might  be in one of the other sections.,

Also, here's a link: to an article in today's Pgh. Post Gazette about what Pgh., especially Bike Pittsburgh is doing for Bike Month.  Considering the size of the city and all the people they have involved in promoting bicycling, I think we're doing a respectable job in comparison.  To kick off Bike Month, we had a 105 mile ride on Saturday that had 21 participants and yesterday, the somewhat rainy Spring Spectacular had 53 riders.


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