Today, PeopleForBikes is opening applications for an ambitious
new effort called The Big Jump Project. We are looking for ten
great places to join this exciting new project - places where
community leaders have ambitious plans to create safe and
comfortable places to ride and encourage their neighbors and
co-workers to give it a try. We want places that are eager to
benchmark their progress and see the benefits of a big jump in
biking in healthier people and better communities.
Over the next three years, we will work in a diverse portfolio
of places, cities, small towns, neighborhoods, suburbs, and
downtowns, that have ambitious plans to improve on-the- ground
infrastructure and collaborate with the community to get more
people on bikes. We are particularly interested in places where
bikes can improve access to jobs and opportunity for underserved
communities; connect suburban areas to transit hubs and town
centers; connect to paths and parks to encourage physical
activity, and catalyze the economic potential of tourism.
The Big Jump Project builds on the momentum and success of
the PeopleForBikes Green Lane Project that helped get protected
bike lanes on the ground, into the design toolbox and established
them as the gold standard for comfortable biking on busy streets.
Similar to the Green Lane Project, The Big Jump Project will
provide a package of support to the ten places, including
technical advice, leadership development, and national media
exposure - sharing the stories of their efforts through reports,
videos and social media.
We are accepting applications until October 28, 2016. Please
visit to
learn more about the program, download a copy of the
application, or register for one of the upcoming informational
Tell your elected officials and transportation leaders in
your community about The Big Jump Project and offer advice on
places you think are ready to take The Big Jump! We look forward
to reviewing strong applications from around the country.
Kyle Wagenschutz
Director of Local Innovation
P.O. Box 2359
/ Boulder, CO 80306
MOBILE: 303.886.8288