Done. Thanks for the link Bill. Just needed a little nudge.
Thank you for submitting your comments. In discussing the section of the Mileground from the intersection with WV 705 to Hartman Run DOH seemed to still be fairly flexible. Apparently they are doing additional operational analysis. I would encourage everyone to provide their input on the issue to DOH. You may submit comments online at the link below:
Thank you for your interest in transportation in our area.
Bill Austin, AICP
Executive Director
Morgantown Monongalia MPO
82 Hart Field Road Ste. 105
Morgantown, WVA 26505
304-692-7225 Mobile
"Things alter for the worse spontaneously, if they be not altered for the better designedly." ~Francis Bacon
"Faced with the choice between changing one's mind and proving that there is no need to do so, almost everyone gets busy on the proof." ~John Kenneth Galbraith
From: [] On Behalf Of Frank Gmeindl
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 10:00 AM
To: Bicycle Board
Subject: [Bikeboard] Fwd: WV 705 Connector (Mileground Widening Project)
Bicycle Board Members,
FYI, I submitted the following (not on behalf of the BB but just myself):
Comments submitted to Greg Bailey, WVDOH January 24, 2012
I'm writing on the WV 705 Connector project as a Morgantown bicyclist and pedestrian. After having attended the January 24, 2012 public meeting at Easton Elementary School as well as previous meetings on this project, I offer the following recommendations.
1. Install roundabout at Mileground/Airport Blvd. intersection. This roundabout will enable continuous flow on Mileground between and around the roundabouts.
2.Install mountable median instead of currently preferred center turn lane. Center turn lane (suicide lane) crash statistics prove that center turn lanes are extremely dangerous and unjustifiable in any modern design.
3. Post speed limit at 35 mph or less.
4. Install R4-11 Bicycles May Use Full Lane signs throughout the corridor.
5. Install sidewalk on the north side of Easton Hill to enable pedestrians from the West Run Valley to walk to Mileground.
6. Install sidewalk on east side of 705 between Mileground and Chestnut Ridge Rd. to enable pedestrians to walk between Mileground and Suncrest Town Center. (Rudimentary bicyclist and pedestrian connections between Suncrest Town Center and WVU Research Park, Monongalia General Hospital and businesses in Suncrest currently exist and justify pedestrian connection of Mileground to the Chestnut Ridge Rd. area.)
I appreciate your fair consideration of these recommendations.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Damien Davis <>
Date: January 25, 2012 8:46:15 AM EST
To: William Wyant <>,,, Jeff Mikorski <>,, "mckain, david" <>, "Henry, Adam" <>,,, "Gmeindl, Frank" <>, Andrea Soccorsi <>, Barbara Shellito <>, Christiaan Abildso <>, Ken Martis <>, Margaret Roberts <>, Roy Nutter <>, Trevor Lloyd <>
Subject: WV 705 Connector (Mileground Widening Project)
Attached is the handout from DOH's public meeting concerning the 705 Connector project. At the back of the handout is a form for comments. Comments can also be made by visiting the link below:
The DOH will be accepting comments until Friday, February 24, 2012.
J. Damien Davis, PE, CFMAssistant City Engineer
City of Morgantown
Public Works Department - Engineering Division
389 Spruce Street
Morgantown, WV 26505
Office: 304.284.7398
Fax: 304.284.7409
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