Bike Board Members, 

At the last meeting I was asked/volunteered to write a support letter on behalf of the BB for the potential Campus Acquisitions development that is being proposed on the VFW Property at 494 Spruce Street.

I need you to:
1. Read the letter and determine if it's ok to support the project on behalf of the Bike Board
2. Review for any content issues
3. Since we have no Chairman, who should sign it?
4. Let me know prior to 5pm, if possible. 

There is a Planning Commission meeting tonight that I'd love to have it sent prior to.  If there are serious concerns though, I can hold off as long as we get it there soon.  There is also a May 21st meeting, and I plan to deliver a copy prior to that as well.  These are being sent to Chris Fletcher, Morgantown Director of Development Services and Stacy Hollar, Executive Secretary. 

I've also attached a copy of the plans for the project and the


Let deeds, not words, be your adorning.  -'Abdu'l-Baha

“Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the future of the human race.”  -H.G. Wells