Attached is the expanded version of an expansion of the document presented to the Bicycle Parking Committee this past Thursday that Frank referred to in his most recent Parking Homework email. He sent out the roughest draft, it was short and sweet, but still incomplete. In this document I've added Nick's vision and purpose, added a few more changes reflecting subjects we discussed at the Bicycle Parking Meeting, and then added Nick's outline for "Supporting Documentation and Information".
This should be helpful reading for this coming Thursday's meeting. Keep in mind it is still a draft so I encourage all BB members to suggest changes/additions and/or to feel free to add track changes to this document. We want to finalize this document and get the BB's approval before the month is over.
If anyone ever asks you how the Plan works (or what it is), just explain to them that Security, Shelter and Growth are the components of a successful Bicycling Parking Plan in Morgantown!