Dear [Applicant],
Thank you again for applying to the Bicycle Friendly Community program! Now that the Fall 2016 BFC Application deadline has passed, our review process is officially underway. To confirm, we have received the following application(s) from you:
In the past we limited local feedback to local reviewers who signed up at We will continue to work with local reviewers and local advocates to gain an understanding of your community. All people who want to be local reviewers should sign up by the end of the week, August 19th at Midnight Pacific Time.
In addition, this round we are trying a new more public local review process. Next week we will send you a link for a survey open to the public so that members of the public can give feedback without signing up to be local reviewers. We believe this more inclusive feedback will help us better understand your community and provide valuable insights to you through the BFC feedback it generates. Responses to that survey will be due by September 12th at midnight Pacific Time.
We do not plan to publicize this public survey for each community and it is up to you to choose how you would like to distribute the survey. Please take some time in the next week to think about how you would like to distribute that survey to the public.
We currently expect that our award announcement will be made in early-to-mid November. Your community will be informed of the award decision at least one week prior to the public announcement.
Please feel free to contact us at if you have any questions.
Best regards,
The Bicycle Friendly Community team
League of American Bicyclists