Hey guys, I guess since I'm the mapping guy, I'll take the lead for the creation of the Bike Route map! :) As discussed during the meeting on Thursday, a few of us need to meet to discuss how to create this map, what the criteria will be for a 'route', and various other issues.
First, lets identify those of us who would like to meet. During the meeting, these names were mentioned: Derek Springston - volunteered to help Frank Gmeindl - volunteered Jacob Brown - volunteered Don Dickerson - Frank suggested that Don should be involved since he helped with an earlier drafts Gunnar Shogren - Frank suggested Gunnar
I believe it may be beneficial to contact these people as well: Steve Harouff Will Ravenscroft Chet Parsons
So, who is willing to meet within the next week or two? Please let me know if you're not interested, so I won't keep sending emails.
Then, we'll establish a time.
Thanks, ~Derek
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