-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Resignation
Date: Tue, 03 Mar 2009 11:50:19 -0500
From: Chris Phillips <cphillips106@hotmail.com>
To: <fgmeindl@verizon.net>
References: <49A49D66.1010402@verizon.net>


Sorry for the late reply, I have been swamped in the office lately grading papers and tests in time for mid-terms this week.  You may however, accept this email as my formal resignation from the bicycle board effective this Tuesday, 03/03/09.  With this, please also remove my email address from any further board email communique.   I am sorry that I was not able to contribute more to the board, however in my current situation I do not have the time to be an effective member.  I would suggest that whomever you find to fill my spot, you spend some time getting them acquainted with the board and its current topics/ agenda so that they can become familiar with the way that the board works and what they are trying to achieve.  As a new member I was quite perplexed at how the bicycle board was run and all the 'bureaucratic' issues that had to be dealt with.  It would be easy for a new member to get lost in all of this, become uninterested and lose the overall objective of the bicycle board.  I remember being asked to help with several issues which I gladly accepted, however when it came time to act on the issue out side of the meeting, nobody did anything (bicycle racks in the parking garage) or got a hold of me.   I would not consider this lack of involvement, but rather lack of communication.  I was also not aware that there was an attendance policy, however I would suggest adding a formal attendance policy to the agenda if we are going to be asking people to resign for inadequate meeting attendance.
Morgantown has a good start to becoming a bicycle friendly city, and I hope that the board can further this objective.

Best Regards,
Christopher Phillips

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