
I agree with your thoughts, here is my reaction:

Bicycle transportation is no longer an issue that "can"  or "can not" be included in planning efforts. 

        based upon our friendliness to bicycles and pedestrians.  We must plan for the connections, crossings and well-being of all travelers on
        our roads and highways.


Jenny Selin 1224 Fairlawns Morgantown, WV 26505 USA Phone:(304-598-9650)

Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 21:21:52 -0400
Subject: [Bikeboard] MPO presentation

Bicycle Board Members,

I have accepted an invitation to make a 20 minute presentation "on bicycle planning and how it can be included in MPO planning efforts" to the Greater Morgantown Metropolitan Planning Organization and Star City Mayor next Thursday at 9:30 am at the MPO offices in the airport.  All members of the MPO including the Policy Board, Technical Advisory Committee and Citizen Advisory Committee are invited to attend.  So are 3 members of the WVDOH and a member of the Federal Highway Administration.

Personally, I would like the presentation to result in the participants:
I would appreciate your thoughts and especially any recommendations and data for the presentation.  Please reply-all and maybe we can get some synergy going :-)

Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles

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