Looks like our regular-ish meeting time will win out: let's plan on meeting next Thursday at 6:00pm. I will send out meeting details and more read-aheads as
we get closer. Send me agenda suggestions before Thursday, end of business day.
See attached various ordinances for your review. You'll see that we may want to consider updating a variety of similar language and related ordinances at the same time. I'll provide a summary of this soon.
Hello Bike Board + new faces!
Thank you kindly for your emails a couple weeks ago on the various topics I raised. First thing - I will be down on the Riverfront* Wednesday afternoon (looks like decent weather) to have a look-see and continue fleshing out our bicycle parking inventory. If
any of you are available Wednesday afternoon / early evening and would like to join, socially distanced, please reach out!
Secondly, please click
here to indicate your availability for a virtual meeting. Options on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.
Thirdly, and finally, on the draft agenda, which must be published tomorrow if we are to have a meeting on Monday, I have:
1) Election of interim leadership team
2) E-bikes: incorporating recently passed WV state laws into our municipal code
3) Riverfront bike parking assessment
Maybe also -
4) Website plans
5) Bicycle Friendly Community + Bicycle Network Analysis applications
That's a lot to fit in 1.5 hours, so make sure to come prepared! Minimal read-aheads will be sent out tomorrow.
Lemme know if you have any questions, and thank you all for your service to Morgantown!
*When I say Riverfront, I mean the entire stretch of the Mon within Morgantown city limits
J. Drew Gatlin
Staff Engineer
389 Spruce St., Rm.
Morgantown, WV 26505
Office: (304) 284-7411
Cell: (304) 719-7900
Fax: (304) 284-7409