Hey guys...

I met with Frank last night to show him what I've done with the GIS mapping.  I planned on giving a short presentation on where we're at with my GIS mapping, but I'll be out of town for the next Bike Board meeting.  I'll be in Belize on vacation!  We discussed having the BB (or at least those interested in the mapping) meet during the week of the April 13th-17th to discuss where we're at with it.  If we can't meet then, I guess we'll just have to wait until the regularly scheduled May meeting.  That just seems too far off to me.  Let me know if you can meet during the week of the 13th-17th of April.  We also discussed trying to network with folks around the city to pull mapping resources from folks who are involved in overlapping projects.  For instance, maybe WVU has a file that they've already collected for existing bike racks.  Maybe MountainLine transit has some transportation files we could use.  Please, please, if you have names, contact info, and how certain people may be valuable to network with, please send it to me.  Brainstorm and give me some good contacts!  We thought there might be a chance that we're duplicating work and could speed up some of our tasks if we just knew who to talk to.  I've collected data points with some pictures for about 34 locations in Morgantown where bike parking is available.  Most of these are on campus.  If we could get 90% or 100% of the racks in Morgantown mapped, we could begin an analysis of where we wish to place bike parking in the future after our initial downtown bike parking installment.  At the meeting I'm trying to set up on the 13th-17th, I would like to present locations where I've found racks and then fill in some of the gaps for ones I've probably missed. 

1. Can you meet between the 13th-17th of April?
2. Send me contacts for mapping/ GIS people.
3. Think of all areas where you know bike parking exists and bring that to the next meeting I am at!
4. Have fun riding until I see you again.

~Derek Springston   

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