Having seen nothing in the DP subsequent to mailing our BTW results to the newsroom, I created a modified version (below) as a letter to the editor, sent today.
Jim Rye Professor Science Education Dept C&I/LS College of Human Resources & Education West Virginia University PO Box 6122 604L Allen Hall Morgantown, WV 26506-6122 Phone: (304) 293-4416 Fax: (304) 293-3802 Email: jim.rye@mail.wvu.edu Web Page: http://depts.hre.wvu.edu/c&ils/currinst/rye.html Are YOU waitin' for the world to change? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPOBMzMTP4U ECAS/HRE NSF-Supported WV Watershed Dynamics Project http://www.wvscience.org/wvwatershed/
Jim Rye 6/3/2009 11:12 AM >>>
Dear Editor,
Is there one technology that YOU could use to lose/keep off unhealthy amounts of body fat, improve your mental health, save money, reduce traffic congestion, decrease your carbon/ecological footprint, and feel good about being more physically fit and helping our country reduce its dependence on foreign oil? Yes: the BICYCLE.
In response to the DP announcement (5/12/09) of May 11-15 "Bike to Work Week" Morgantown events, 25 area residents planned to bike commute to work at least twice (and most, daily) during that week. Distances ranged from 2 to 28 miles for the daily commute and 4 to 80 miles for the entire week. Over the entire week, this group planned to bike commute to work 826 miles, which would result in: saving approximately 41 gallons of gasoline (by leaving their cars at home); reducing carbon dioxide auto emissions by 826 lbs; and burning almost 24,000 additional food Calories, equal to what are found in about 7 lbs of body fat. At http://wecan.wvu.edu/biketowork , you can download an "advanced log" that will estimate your own statistics based on the distances that you bicycle commute.
WE CAN make a difference! Consider this: If our group maintained this bicycle commuting for a full year, it would conserve over 2,100 gallons of gasoline and reduce carbon dioxide auto emissions by over 21 tons. What if our group size of bicycle commuters increased from 25 to 250? Over a year, we'd save over 21,000 gallons of gasoline and reduce auto carbon dioxide emissions by 210 tons.
WEIGHT, THERE'S MORE...about those Calories in the 7 lb of adipose tissue burned by our bicycle commuters. Over a year, this is the equivalent of over 14 lb per person. Over 5 years, this type of healthy behavior could prevent the gain or facilitate the loss of almost 70 lb in an individual.
Oh...in case you think you're too old: Our commuters were far from "spring chickens," with over 30% in the 50-70 year old range. Over 60% of the participants now plan to bicycle commute to work more frequently. Here's more of what they told us: "I enjoyed every bit of commuting last week. I usually commute 2-3 times a week by bike, but last week I made it all five days. Bike-To-Work week motivated me...and I will try to do this more!" "Having a designated week reminds people to give it a try and it lets them know how easy it is." "Every week is bike to work week."
Imagine a Morgantown with little traffic congestion during rush hours, better air quality, a healthier citizenry, more green space...the bicycle really is a magnificent piece of technology to solve much of what ails us. WE CAN! Please, become an advocate for bicycling as a means of local transportation, if for no other reason, so we don't continue to "Pave [our children's] paradise, put up a parking lot" -Joni Mitchell.
-Jim Rye 692-0982 or 293-4416