I approve doing things however Terrence wants to proceed. Thanks for all the hard work Frank!
None of the proposed actions have been implemented.On Jan 12, 2012, at 3:46 PM, Graber, Stephen wrote:I will try to find time to consider this in more detail but the thing I wondered about right off the bat is whether or not Council would want a list of what's been implemented and what still needs to be implemented.Wes Nugent by virtue of his being the City Council member on the Traffic Commission received the Plan. I have not sent it to any other councilors. When I discussed the presentation with Terrence, who agreed to join me in delivering the presentation, he said that we would hand out hard copies of the plan to the councilors during the presentation. DOES THE BICYCLE BOARD RECOMMEND OTHERWISE?Have all Council members seen the plan?As stated in the presentation, the Plan classifies the actions as Policy/Administration and Construction and classifies the Construction actions as Large and Small. The presentation also states that cost estimates still have to be developed.Getting money to do these things is going to be the problem so giving them some idea of the scope of the initiatives might be useful from their perspective._______________________________________________-------------------------------------------Stephen G. GraberBiochem & Mol PharmacologyPO Box 9142, HSN-3122West Virginia UniversityMorgantown, WV 26506-9142phone: 304-293-2305
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From: bikeboard-bounces@cheat.org [bikeboard-bounces@cheat.org] On Behalf Of Frank Gmeindl [fgmeindl@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 2:58 PM
To: Bicycle Board
Subject: [Bikeboard] Morgantown Bicycle PlanBicycle Board Members,Please find attached, a draft presentation of the Greater Morgantown Bicycle Plan to the City Council that is schedule for January 31. Please review it and reply to all with comments to improve it or your concurrence with it. I currently contains 9 short slides that I think I can present in the 5-minutes I expect to have to present it.The attached is in ppt format. Please let me know if you have any trouble opening it. I'll work with you to get it to you in a format that you can view it.Frank D. Gmeindl
Chairman, Morgantown Municipal Bicycle Board
LCI #1703
491 WilsonAvenue
Morgantown, WV 26501
Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles
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