Good morning, This article has some interesting and useful statistics to confront motorists with.
I particularly like this line... "Though the idea of withholding funding to a system until all users agree to strictly follow the rules is a new line of logic (imagine canceling road improvements until car drivers were caught speeding), bashing scofflaw cyclists, or course, isn't unique to Portland or Commissioner Fritz"
My takeaway from the article is this. Everyone behaves about equally badly on the roads, not surprising since there is probably a lot of overlap between the groups polled. Equally unsurprising is that the recommended solution is to just "Yield the right of Way" - already a law that applies to motorist, bicyclists and pedestrians. What's missing in traffic education is an explanation of what "Yield" means and an understanding of who has the right of way. We've addressed that in the youth cycling video we're working on.
-- Nick Hein LCI# 1705 Director, Positive Spin 803 East Brockway Ave Morgantown, WV ph 304-276-0213 --