Thanks for taking the lead on getting the bike route map printed. Apparently nobody wants to work on getting the signs so it looks like we'll apply our remaining resources to printing the bike route map. Besides determining the sizes, identifying vendors and estimating costs, what else has to be done? On what will you need help? I hope some other members will chip in.
On Aug 8, 2011, at 7:00 PM, Chet Parsons wrote:
Chip makes a good argument. What does everyone else think?
I can still spec out the printing costs for a couple different sizes.
On Aug 8, 2011 6:35 PM, "Frank Gmeindl" wrote:
I meant to provide this link to the section of the MUTCD that addresses bike route signs: . I've also attached figure 9B-4 from that section that shows the signs. We probably need a bunch of D11-1 and M5's and M6's. That section at the link also specifies sign size, where they must be located, etc.