Please urge our representative, David McKinley to support the amendment which will protect Transportation Enhancements and Safe Routes to School.
TE is the fund that supported our education program. SRTS is a high priority SRTS recommendation in our Bicycle Plan.
In addition, Rep. Rahall, is the ranking member of the T&I committee and his vote could make or break the outcome of the amendment vote (it could also sway others’ votes). It is very, very important that he hears from his constituents. Help spread the word to people living in Rep. Rahall’s district 3 or, as I did, write him. (I just copied the message that LAB has at the link ahead.) Congresswoman Capito (WV-2) also has an important vote (but I couldn't figure out how to send her an e-mail).
If you have any questions, please follow up with Darren Flusche at LAB Darren Flusche <> or Caron Whitaker at America Bikes Caron Whitaker <>. This is an issue that has wide ranging impacts for safety, health, transportation, and beyond.