See inline comments with arrows for Aira's version of Ryan's slogans:

1)      Save time / your skin

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Get fit, get fast

2)      Sharing the road, not competing with cars.


3)      Save money

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Save your health, increase your wealth

4)      Lose weight, get exercise, feel better  è look good in euro cool spandex

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cyclists are sexy.

5)      Save the environment

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The air thanks you.

6)      Be cool, hip, role model for your kids to stop playing so many video games

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cool parents raise cool kids

7)      You already have a bike!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Your bicycle misses you.

8)      Making riding a family experience.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Families that cycle together smile together.

9)      Ride with confidence, anywhere.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> King of the Road

10)   Know your rights.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You have the right to ride.

11)   Don’t have to look for parking.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Front door parking, every time.

12)   Burn more calories so you can eat more

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cyclists get seconds.   (would need to have a food related picture)

13)   Have fun in the rain/cold. Conquer hills.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You and are your bicycle make molehills out of mountains

14)   Ride more than someone else.


15)   Do you own vehicle maintenance.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don't panic: you don't need a mechanic!                (not sure the bike shops would like this)

16)   Commute, exercise, recreate, save money, save the environment AT THE SAME TIME

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A little work, a lot of play, when you ride a bike, it's a beautiful day! 

17)   (Isn’t there a government thing that pays like $20/month for people who bike to work?)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My other workout partner is a bicycle.