Who's going to the May 7 TC meeting?  The University Av. corridor study (see attached) should be interesting. "A designated share the road on lowe volume streets would be helpful for bicycles". WTF?  How about widening the uphill side from Riverviiew to North Av.?  Or, restoring the bike route down the Law School hill through the med parking lot and over Oakland St. A bicycle boulevard between Sunnyside and Gilmore would be nice.  Oh, and are they really making Evansdale Dr. one-way downhill to Mon Blvd. How do you spell clueless?

Begin forwarded message:

From: Damien Davis <ddavis@cityofmorgantown.org>
Date: May 2, 2014 at 10:30:22 PM EDT
To: williameblosser@gmail.com, Margaret Stout <margaret.stout@mail.wvu.edu>,  martin dombrowski <martin.dombrowski@gmail.com>,  Lisa Mardis <6thwardtc@gmail.com>,  Robert Jones <rjoneswvu@gmail.com>, micynster@gmail.comcgabildso@hsc.wvu.edu, david.mckain@gmail.com,  Frank Gmeindl <frank.gmeindl@comcast.net>,  Susan Sullivan <ssullivan@cityofmorgantown.org>,  Bethany Sypolt <bsypolt@cityofmorgantown.org>,  Linda Little <llittle@cityofmorgantown.org>,  mmccabe@cityofmorgantown.org,  Jeff Mikorski <jmikorski@cityofmorgantown.org>,  christophergluck@gmail.com, psteel@access.k12.wv.us,  Barbara Shellito <bshellito@cityofmorgantown.org>,  Roy Nutter <rnutter@wvu.edu>,  Terry Hough <though@cityofmorgantown.org>
Subject: May TC Meeting
Reply-To: ddavis@cityofmorgantown.org


Attached is the agenda for May 7th's Traffic Commission Meeting. We will meet in City Council Chambers at 6:30pm. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to give me a call. Thank you.

J. Damien Davis, PE, CFM

AssistantCity Engineer

City of Morgantown

Public Works Department - Engineering Division

389 Spruce Street

Morgantown, WV26505

Office: 304.284.7398

Fax: 304.284.7409
