Hi all,

Please take a look at the attached September meeting minutes and let me know if you have changes or corrections.

And So Much More!
1. The MMMPO is updating the Metropolitan Transportation Plan. Please take the survey so we can make sure cycling is considered in planning efforts: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MTPUpdate 
For general information about the plan update process, including public meetings, see this page: http://www.plantogether.org/2016update 

2. The intersection of University / Collins Ferry / Baldwin is also open for review and comment (scroll down): http://www.plantogether.org/ongoing-construction-projects 

3. Confident city cycling class tentatively scheduled for October 8-9, 2016. If you are interested in taking this course, mark your calendar now!

4. We have some initial designs for sharrow stickers / bumperstickers! Take a look and respond with your thoughts. Which one would you put on your bike and/or car?

5. There has been a lot of interest in our commuter map lately; take a look and give us your changes or suggestions: http://bikemorgantown.com/route_map.php 

For anybody interested in rail-trail efforts, there will be 2 workshops on the Industrial Heartland Trails Coalition effort, which is attempting to link together 10000000 miles (that number might not be completely accurate) of rail-trails across 4 states, thus making it possible for us to bike from Morgantown to Pittsburgh, DC, Cleveland, or other cool places. They will be in Shinnston on 9/20 and Wheeling on 9/29: http://ihearttrails.org/2016/08/29/i-heart-trails-community-chats-this-fall/ 

If you have additional updates, events or things to share, please let me know! I would be happy to share them on our Facebook page as well.
