I suggest that we all get together and run through the streets together carrying you on our shoulders holding up the sign and cheering joyfully and fearlessly.
I'm open to other suggestions of course.

Nick Hein LCI# 1705
Director, Positive Spin
803 East Brockway Ave
Morgantown, WV
ph 304-276-0213

-----Original Message-----
From: "Frank Gmeindl" <>
Sent 5/11/2012 8:01:01 PM
To: "Bike Board - Morgantown" <>
Subject: [Bikeboard] Signs

Bicycle Board Members,

See attached photo.  I got 2 of these signs in the mail today.  What should I do with them?  I'd like to get a picture of all of us putting one up somewhere.  Any ideas where and when?  I'm sure we'll have to ask the Public Works Dept. for permission and help.


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