Gunnar wrote:
Also Jon and Nick, and others- Fodder for a potential meeting w/ the MHS principal would be how other schools are being "progressive" and "forward thinking" in regards to alternate transportation to school. Might be nice to have some stats or examples of non-backwards thinking schools...
I found a well defined brochure at a UK safe routes to schools program at . Under related documents, click on the "Cycle Parking for Schools - Information Sheet.pdf", I've this attached the document to this message. It starts out by saying:
Providing secure cycle parking has been shown to be one of the most effective ways of encouraging cycling to school. A recent Sustrans survey of 3,000 pupils (9-12 yrs) at 40 schools showed that 54% of pupils (and 43% of parents) wanted better cycle storage at school. Secure cycle storage was the top requirement of pupils already cycling to school, and those considering doing so.
Getting the cycle parking right is probably the most effective way in which schools can play their part in promoting active journeys to school and reducing traffic at the school gates. Not only does it allow parents and pupils to feel more relaxed about the prospect of bringing a bike to school, it acts as a striking way of publicising cycling and making cyclists feel valued.
Statements in this brochure could easily be applied to MHS High School. There are some case studies at . I'm sure similar statistics exist on bicycling websites in the United States, just haven't found any yet that provide such clear and readily usable information.