BB Members,
Here's the email I sent out to a few of my friends minutes ago on asking them to come out tonight supporting the Bike Board's presentation to city council.  Feel free to copy and paste it and reach out to your contacts who may be interested.... ~Derek

Fellow cyclists,

Tonight at 7pm in the Morgantown Council Chambers (389 Spruce Street), the Morgantown Bike Board will present to the City Council regarding the Bike Board's progress on implementing our Procedural Guidelines and to discuss ways to move the Morgantown Bike Plan forward.  The Morgantown Bike Plan was already adopted by City Council, so the BB is going to encourage and discuss with the city on how we can get action on some specific items within the plan. 

To review the Bike Plan visit

OR visit
and click on the 'Morgantown Bicycle Plan' link on the bottom left corner of the page.

Please consider attending, and it wouldn't hurt to show up on a bike with a helmet in hand or clipped to your person to make it obvious we're cyclists! 

Thanks in advance to those who can make it and for Traci, Frank, and Emily on their great work on the Prezi presentation that we will see tonight.  Also, big thanks to the Bike Board for developing the plan and the City Council for adopting it.  We're making progress. 



Let deeds, not words, be your adorning.  -'Abdu'l-Baha

“Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the future of the human race.”  -H.G. Wells