Thanks for the information Nick and Jim. I've looked at the text in the federal bill and I believe that an individual employer must decide to offer the $20 credit as a commuter benefit. I don't have the text of the bill in front of me, but that is how I remember it.
We should all be lobbying our employers to offer the bike commuting incentive!

Walk 30 minutes a day!


Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board

Christiaan Abildso, Chair

Bill Reger-Nash, Vice Chair

Angela Wiley, Secretary

From: director <>
To:; Jonathan Rosenbaum <>; Don Spencer <>; John Gaddis <>; Dwight Harshbarger <>; Sarah Bias <>; Tom Bias <>; Angela Wiley <>; Matt Cross <>; Jenny Selin <>; Ilana Chertok <>; Martha Summers <>; Bob Anderson <>; Bill Reger-Nash <>; Christiaan Abildso <>; Gabe Nardi <>; Hugh Kierig <>; Stanley Cohen <>; Jon Bond <>; Ella Belling <>; Nick Hein <>; Jim Hunt <>; George Lilley <>; Susan Eason <>; Dave Harshbarger <>; Jimmie Simmons <>; Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board <>
Sent: Friday, May 8, 2009 1:20:21 PM
Subject: FWD: Encourage A Healthy Life Style In Your Employees - Offer the Commuter Check for Bicycling

Good afternoon,
I received this email yesterday, this may be something to circulate to employers.  It appears that you sign up and they handle all of the red tape to make sure that bike commuters get at least $20/month for reducing transportation costs.

In case the graphics don't come through you can read the information at this link...


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Commuter Check" <>
Reply-To: "Commuter Check" <>
Date:  Tue, 05 May 2009 15:15:33 +0000

Commuter Check for Bicycling

Help your employees help the environment just by riding their bicycle
to work.

Bicycling to work is good for your employees because they:

•  Are generally healthier and take less sick time
•  Arrive on time and are not as frazzled by morning traffic jams
•  Begin their day more alert and productive from early morning

Bicycling to work is good for your business because:

•  Less parking required
•  Overall savings on long-term health benefits
•  Good for corporate social responsibility

The Commuter Check for Bicycling is Endorsed by the League of American

The Commuter Check for Bicycling program supports the expansion of the
Qualified Transportation Fringe Benefit - IRS Tax Code Section 132(f)
– that allows employers to offer as a subsidy of $20.00 per month to
their employees who ride their bicycles to work to pay for bicycle
commuting costs. Bicycle commuting costs include the cost of bicycles,
bicycling equipment, accessories, and bicycle storage costs.

Today, businesses nationwide are making a positive impact for their
employees, the environment, and their bottom line.
Join the Revolution!
Offer your Employees the Commuter Check for Bicycling Today!

1.800.531.2828    |    Accor Services USA    |    51 Water Street
Watertown, MA 02472

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Nick Hein  LCI# 1705
Director, Positive Spin
2567 Univ Ave  Ste 6000L
Morgantown, WV
ph 304-276-0213