Who wants to take the lead on sending Kasey a paragraph on Morgantown accomplishments for the "State of Cycling and Walking" report?
I was preparing a "State of Cycling" in Morgantown to send to Kasey before the April 10 WVCC BOD meeting but then Christiaan and Emily sent material to Kasey and I thought we were done. I think some ONE should at least compile all the input we've already given into one paragraph and send it to her.
Following is my recollection of what we've sent or told her already: Morgantown has an official comprehensive bicycling plan and Morgantown Monongalia MPO established distinct bicycle plan in Long Range Transportation Plan. LAB designated Morgantown Bronze lever Bicycle Friendly Community 2012-2016. City budgeted $??? (???%) of this year's budget for sidewalks. City budgeted $5,000 for Shared Lane Markings and Bicycles May Use Full Lane (R4-11) signs throughout the City. Received $96,000 Transportation Enhancement Grant to install Shared Lane Markings and Bicycles May Use Full Lane (R4-11) signs throughout the City and provide sheltered bicycle parking at bus stops. Received $7,200 grant from Allstate to certify League Cycling Instructors and deliver Confident City Cycling classes; one new instructor certified. WVU PE 212 Confident City Cycling class on-going since 2013. Received $2,000 grant from Allstate and produced a mailer on safe cycling and safe driving around cyclists and distributed 25,000 copies to all Morgantown Utility Board customers in their bills. Completed MOU with City, WVU and WVDOT and City budgeted $22,500 budget to install bicycle climbing lane on Monongahela Boulevard. Conducted Bike To Work Day for 3rd consecutive year with local merchants providing support, Mayor leading ride and ??? participants. Conducted Bike To School Day to Mountainview Elementary. Monongahela Rail Trail Conservancy conducted Rail-Trail Sojourn to bring national attention to our rail trail system and to get support for filling the gaps between Parkersburg, Clarksburg, Bridgeport, Morgantown to the Great Allegheny passage to Pgh, Maryland and DC.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Kasey Russell russell.kasey@gmail.com Subject: State of Cycling and Walking Date: May 18, 2015 10:03:06 AM EDT To: Frank Gmeindl frank.gmeindl@comcast.net
Hi Frank, have you had a chance to get something together for the State of Cycling and Walking publication? I'd like to get this done this month if possible. I'm hoping for a paragraph or two highlighting successes in Morgantown. Thanks, Kasey