From: Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board <>
Date: February 12, 2012 10:05:24 PM EST
To: Bill Reger-Nash <>, Bob Anderson <>, George Lilley <>, Ilana Chertok <>, Jimmie Simmons <>, Martha Summers <>, Stan Cohen <>, Sarah Bias <>, Christiaan Abildso <>, Dwight Harshbarger <>, Maria Smith <>, Regina Mayolo <>, Jan Derry <>, David Small <>, Michael Graham <>, Tom Bias <>, Mary Gutmann <>, Margaret Stout <>, Dan Harris <>, Angela Wiley <>, Jonathan Rosenbaum <>, Matt Cross <>, Hugh Kierig <>, Jim Rye <>, Ella Belling <>, Nick Hein <>, Kevin Leyden <>, Damien Davis <>, Roy Nutter <>, Mike Breiding <>, Bill Austin <>, Josh Woods <>, Frank Gmeindl <>, Claire Chantler <>, Michael Simms <>, Maria Brann <>, Melody Thomas <>
Cc: Terrence Moore <>
Subject: House R&T subcommittee contact re: HB 4074
Reply-To: Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board <>
All -Please find attached a copy of an email I sent to the members of a subcommittee that was formed by the House Roads & Transportation committee to review HB 4074. If you feel so inspired, feel free to contact the subcommittee BY CLOSE OF BUSINESS MONDAY. They meet Tuesday & report to the R&T committee on Wednesday. THis is a critical first step.Feel free to use any of the attached text and please contact friends in counties of those on the subcommittee.ChristiaanWalk more, safelyMorgantown Pedestrian Safety BoardChristiaan Abildso, ChairBill Reger-Nash, Vice Chair