
As we've discussed and emailed about over the last few weeks, I have been asked by the Bicycle Board to pursue Transportation Alternatives Program funding for a select few projects within the already approved 2012 Morgantown Bicycle Plan assuming the City can be the sponsor through the WVDOH application process.  Last Thursday you requested that I provide you with budget estimates on each project. 

According to the TAP info, projects had to range from $15,000 to $150,000 for the TAP (MAP-21) funding.  I feel we've chosen some small, medium, and large dollar projects to try to maximize our chances of obtaining a grant or grants.  If our estimates looks accurate, please submit the Letters of Intent.  Given the timeframe I gave significant effort and vetted the values below with folks who had already completed project estimates for the same projects in the past or similar projects.  We've also discussed some leveraging opportunities on some of the projects below, so that may be written into the grants as well.   

The first three listed projects below are directly from our approved 2012 Bicycle Plan which can be viewed here:

Priorities 7,8,11: Install Shared Lane Markings and Bicycles May Use Full Lane signs on all City and State maintained arterials that meet established criteria for installation

Applicant: City of Morgantown
Total Project Costs:  $40,000
Design and Construction Oversight Estimate: $8,000
City of Morgantown match:  $1,600   

Background: Based on 77 Shared Lane Markings (SLMs) and 32 Bicycles May Use Full Lane signs, which were previously planned and mapped throughout Morgantown.  The City Manager (Dan Borroff) BUDGETED $35K for SLM & BMUFL signs in 2008.  I looked at today's retail values on the SLMs and BMUFL signs and still looks like this number is appropriate with oversight and construction taken into account.  After discussing with the Bike Board, it was recommended to increase the total cost from $35,000 to $40,000 based on construction and labor costs.

Priority 15: Print the established bicycle route map and classify all streets in terms of their bicycle friendliness

Applicant: City of Morgantown
Total Project Costs:  $15,000
Design and Production Estimate: $3,000
City of Morgantown match:  $600   

Background: Based on approx. 80,000 maps to be printed at 17"x24". 

Priority 47: Covered bike parking at bus stops

Applicant: City of Morgantown
Total Project Costs: $80,400
Design and Construction Oversight:  $16080   
City of Morgantown match: $3216

Background: Number of locations: 12
Racks per location: 4 at $550/rack (for a total of 8 bikes per location) = $2200
Bike shelter:  4'x12' w/ shelter, concrete pad, and excavation = $4500

Shelter and 4 racks per site: $4500 + $2200 = $6700

     $6700 x 12 locations = $80400

New Priority not in plan: Trail project in Marilla Park

Applicant: BOPARC    
Total Project Costs:  $20,000
Design and Construction Oversight: $4,000
BOPARC match:  $800

Background:  Plans are to build network of bicycle trails for school children.  Key facilities nearby include the Rail Trail, Positive Spin, Marilla Park and pool, which will naturally attract younger audience.  I understand BOPARC plans to submit this, but wanted it to be on your radar. 

Thanks and please let us know if you need anything else,

Let deeds, not words, be your adorning.  -'Abdu'l-Baha

“Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the future of the human race.”  -H.G. Wells