Bicycle Board Members, 

I've gathered together for your reading entertainment the article Same Roads, Same Right, Same Rules and the letters to the editor that it spawned.  (See attached.)  You should also be able to get to them by the links below.

1. The article, Same Roads, Same Rights, Same Rules

2. Dennis Bolyard's 5/26 letter saying that cyclists can't have rights unless we pay property tax, license tax and buy mandatory insurance:

3. My response (that DP didn't publish) to Bolyard's 5/26 letter.  See 20100527FGRespnseToBolyard in attached.  I say the law, not Bolyard gives us rights and that the cost of collecting property tax, license fee and mandatory insurance would probably exceed revenue.

4. Ballard's excellent 6/7 response to Bolyard's 5/26 letter.  Ballard says that following Bolyard's logic, people who spend more should have more rights than people who spend less.

5. Today's  (6/27) letter by Mary Smith says bikes should only ride on the rail trail:

How about we meet at a local rathskeller some evening and discuss why non-cyclists have such hostility toward cyclists and what we, the BB can do about it?   I'll buy the first round.  Enjoy!