Bicycle Board Members,

Please call Alan Mollohan today or tomorrow to support Complete Streets.  (After that, it's too late.)

In DC:
Representative Alan B. Mollohan

2346 Rayburn HOB

Washington DC, 20515-4801

Phone:  202-225-4172

Fax:  202-225-7564

In Morgantown:

Representative Mollohan

PO Box 720

Morgantown, WV  26507-0720

Phone:  304-292-3019

Ask For: Transportation Staffer
 1) Talking Points:
 2) Ask to speak to the staff person that works on transportation issues.  (In DC her name is Julie Aronson.)
 3) •Please sign Rep. Tauscher's letter in support of complete streets. Paul Schmid in Tauscher's office is the contact. The deadline to sign is close of business, Thursday, May 7th.
 4) •Complete streets policies ensure that the needs of all users of the transportation system--motorists, transit vehicles and riders, bicyclists, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities-- are taken into account when streets are built or re-built. Over 90 states and communities already have complete streets policies, which are flexible and cost-effective.
 5) •Complete streets improve safety, especially for children and older Americans. And if we are serious about ending our dependence on foreign oil, combating climate change, stemming obesity, and revitalizing communities, we need to build roads designed for all users, not just cars.
 6) •Complete Streets don't cost more to build; in fact, they generate revenue by increasing property values and promoting economic development. They save money by reducing transportation and healthcare costs.
 7) •Please ask for a response by email or mail, which helps ensure that your comment is passed up the chain of command.

Complete Streets Sign On Letter

Ask your Representative to support complete streets in the transportation bill
Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher from California is circulating a letter (see attached) for members of the House Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) Committee to sign in support of Complete Streets.
The T&I Committee is currently drafting the new 6-year surface transportation authorization bill, which will fund as much as $500 billion in new transportation projects. Representative Tauscher's letter requests that all projects funded with federal dollars incorporate complete streets principles.
It is critical that such a massive investment in transportation infrastructure does not ignore the safety of pedestrians, including children, senior citizens, and disabled persons, as well as patrons of public transportation and bicyclists.
We need as many members of the T&I Committee as possible to sign onto Representative Tauscher's letter! Please call your Member's office TODAY and ask them to sign Representative Tauscher's complete streets letter.
For additional background materials about complete streets download our complete streets bill fact sheet and frequently asked questions .

Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles